The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast
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The Crosswalk Devotional: A Daily Devotional Christian Podcast

Crosswalk Authors and Editors

Are you a Christian looking for a daily devotional podcast to encourage, inspire, and convict you in your walk with Christ? 7 days a week, The Daily Devotional Podcast offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Let's study the Bible together and through the experiences of other believers, learn how to apply the Word of God to our lives.

Here’s just some of what we cover in The Crosswalk Daily Devotional Podcast:

☕️ Confidence in Knowing God Is Enough
☕️ What to Do When Life Takes a Drastic Turn
☕️ How to Escape the Trap of Anger
☕️ An Attitude of Gratitude for the New Year
☕️ Three Keys to a Hope-Filled Spiritual Mindset
☕️ Gaze at God for Peace-filled Positive Thoughts

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Ask for Wisdom
July 6, 2024 - 4 min
The importance of humility in asking for wisdom, knowing that God generously grants it to those who earnestly seek Him. Discover the profound impact of seeking God's wisdom in our lives. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to The Crosswalk Devotional. We are so glad to have you listening on Michela Zurich. Today's topic is asked for wisdom. We'll be back after a word from our sponsor Ask For Wisdom, written and read by Michelle Lazurek If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5.  I prepared for my leadership presentation, for instance, my material, practice it well and got ready for the meetings that would happen before the presentation to go over the transitions. However, when I hopped on the Zoom, call this lesson organized, I found myself confused as to what I was looking at where the information was stored for the presentation. It was clear from the beginning that I was not on the same page as the rest of the team. I left the meeting embarrassed and not wanting to return to any future meetings, for fear of further embarrassment or shame. However, I didn't know how to express this feeling of confusion or even where to begin to get help. I had a friend who had been on the leadership team for longer than I had. She was more technologically savvy than I was, who would know the ins and outs to that technology and how it all worked. The new apps being introduced etc. As well my pride, picked up my phone and sent off to my friend and embarrassing texted said I need help. I explained her the situation told her I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing and what she'd be willing to give me a brief orientation to get me up to speed. I didn't know how she would react, and feared her judgment since as part of the team, I needed to know the basics of the technology to present information to the audience. She greeted me with a quick response. Of course, she replied, happy to help. I didn't know what I was doing. The next day she went through it all with me. She made it look so easy. Instead of having to navigate it by myself, learning how things worked, and having new concepts and ideas thrown at me. My friend helped me navigate through situation of what you needed clarity and navigated it with these. We all need wisdom in life. No isolated world, it's easy for us to believe that asking for help, instead of moving through situation in isolation will cause embarrassment. Everyone needs someone to help them from time to time. There's no shame in asking God or others for help. Same way I needed help with the orientation and all the technology. I had to humble myself and ask for wisdom. God gives us wisdom when we need it. God is an all knowing God who wants to guide and direct us. His Holy Spirit lives within us for a reason. Holy Spirit knows things we do not know. He wants to speak to us and reveal all things to us. That is part of God's yearning to be intimate with us. Who must be humbled to hear what he has to say and to follow that wisdom and ask for help when needed. And is so grateful to have a friend who knew more about the technology than I did. Because of her wisdom and a willingness to share that wisdom with me. I arrived at the next meeting way more prepared, more organized, and most importantly, abundantly at peace. Is there an area in life in which you need wisdom. So someone in your life you can ask to help with that wisdom, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you a person that can help you in this area. We're always better together. God does not want us to be alone. We can seek the help of other brothers and sisters in Christ who are more knowledgeable on a subject than us. And not only is our situation better because we ask for help. We're also better people because we humbled ourselves and asked for help in the first place. Father, help us ask for wisdom. Thank you that you are not a wrathful God withholding help. Thank you we can go to any time we need you. Thank you, you are a God who's willing to be our help in ever present trouble. Allow us to pass on the same wisdom to others. You give us human intersecting faith in life. In what areas of your life do you need to seek the wisdom of God or others? What is your biggest challenge in asking for this help? Further reading? Proverbs 3:5-6 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Are You Second-Guessing God?
July 5, 2024 - 5 min
Whether you're facing decisions, challenges, or simply wrestling with the unknown, this episode invites you to embrace faith over doubt and find peace in trusting God's sovereignty and wisdom. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to The Crosswalk Devotional. We're glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is about our tendency to second guess God, as if we know better than he does. We'll return with the devotional after a brief message from our sponsors. Are you second guessing God? written and read by Cindy McMenamin. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9 Have you ever second guessed God by wondering if he really knew what he was doing? I remember when my husband applied for what seemed like the perfect job, at the perfect time with a perfect salary. But when my husband didn't get the job, we thought was so perfect in every way. I became discouraged and began to question God, I prayed. Why not? God, this was so perfect for us. We prayed about it, and we trusted you. Why did you not bless us with this? Yet God apparently knew what he was doing, even though we didn't. And now when we look back at what we thought was the perfect job at the perfect time, we can see that it wasn't perfect for him after all, and it wasn't the perfect time either. God knew what was coming and he had something better in mind. In Isaiah 55:5-8 God told his people that his thoughts were not like their thoughts. And neither were their ways like his. That's because he knows all things and we don't. But that passage also says his ways and thoughts are higher than ours, meaning better and encompassing eternal purposes. While we tend to look at just the temporary, in the next two verses, God told his people as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it produce and sprout, and providing seed to the sower and bread to the eater. So Will his word be which goes out of his mouth, it will not return to Him empty, without accomplishing what He desires, and without succeeding in the purpose for which he sent it.  That passage assures us that God not only knows what's best for us, but he has his eternal purposes at work, and what he allows, as well as what he presents. How often do you and I ask God, why now, it couldn't have come at a worse time? How often do we wonder why this? We were faithful? And we were hoping for the best? How many times do we say why me? As if I haven't been through enough already. We even sometimes offer God our list of reasons why we believe His timing, and his choice, are not in our best interest. And yet God continues to know what he's doing. We cannot second guess him. Sometimes he's protecting us from something we can't yet or might not ever see. Other times he is preparing something even better for us that we have yet to discover. And I believe at all times as long as we stay surrendered to Him. He is shaping our character and refining us through our circumstances, intersecting faith and life.  God has reasons far above our own because He is God and we are not. And we are asked to simply trust that there is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity under heaven, Ecclesiastes 3:1 And that means he didn't get the timing wrong in the slightest. We're also asked to trust that his work is perfect. And all His ways are just Deuteronomy 32:4, and that he's a God who never makes mistakes. And were to simply trust that he's a God who does not slumber or sleep according to Psalm 121:3-4 meaning nothing takes him by surprise. Can you trust God today instead of second guessing him? Can you live with the assurance that he loves you beyond comprehension? And that nothing takes him by surprise, and he won't let anything touch you that hasn't first pass through his loving hands. Make that your goal today in every circumstance that comes your way. Lord, God help us to trust you with disappointments, missed opportunities, and even when it seems like our world is turning upside down. You are in control and because you are loving and good, you wouldn't have things any other way. For further reading. See Isaiah 55:10-13 And Matthew 7:11. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Deep Calls to Deep
July 4, 2024 - 6 min
Uncover the richness of spiritual communion and the transformative power of encountering God in the depths of our souls. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to The Crosswalk Devotional. We're glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is how God's deep love washes over us with power. We'll return with the devotional after a brief message from our sponsors. "Deep calls to deep" written and read by Whitney Hopler. "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls. All your waves and breakers have swept over me." Psalm 42:7 NIV  There's something deeply powerful about experiencing a waterfall. I hiked to several waterfalls recently in the waterfall capital of the world, the Hamilton Ontario Canada area where more than 100 waterfalls flow down the long Niagara Escarpment, on their way to the majestic Niagara Falls. Every single one of the waterfalls experienced overwhelmed me with the power and beauty of its fast moving water. As I watched the water flow, I thought of the powerful creator who designed our planet Sobell. Water flows abundantly through nature, just as God's love flows through our lives with overwhelming power. Near the end of my trip, I stood beside Niagara Falls, and let the incredible sound of its roar sweep over me. And then I thank God for that experience. The Bible uses the imagery of powerful moving water, waterfalls, waves and breakers. And Psalm 42:7 to describe the mighty power of God's presence with us. These overwhelming forces symbolizes God's overwhelmingly strong love that envelops us when we notice God's presence. The phrase Deep calls to deep at the beginning of this verse helps us visualize the deep connection between us and God. The depth of God's presence is so strong that it reaches the depth of our souls. Imagine standing beside a roaring waterfall. The site is mesmerizing. The sound is deafening. When you feel the incredible power of the water as it cascades down relentlessly. That's how God's love operates in our lives. It's a wild force that can't be tamed. God's loving presence sweeps over us with power, washing away our fears, our doubts and our sin. God's love is like living water. Just as water is vital for our physical health. God's love is essential for our spiritual health. God's living water is the constant refreshing presence of God, we need to survive and thrive. The pressures and demands of our lives can sometimes feel like relentless waves crashing over us, threatening to pull us under. during hard times. It's easy to feel helpless and alone, as if we're drowning in a sea of troubles. But the Libyan water of God's love is stronger than any challenges we face. God's living water cleanses and revives us. Imagine the refreshing sensation of cool water in a hot day, washing away dirt and sweat, leaving us feeling renewed and invigorated. That's what God's love does for our souls. God's love penetrates our defenses and reaches into the deepest parts of our being where our deepest fears and desires live. Because out to the depths within us that yearning for God, those hidden places where we carry our pain, our hopes and our dreams. God's love speaks to those depths, reassuring us that we aren't alone, and that we're deeply value. It gives us the strength to face our challenges, not by removing them, but by transforming us from within, giving us the strength we need to persevere. God's love is a constant powerful presence. Just like the steady flow of a mighty waterfall. It doesn't ebb and flow with the changing tides of our circumstances, but remains reliable and trustworthy.As we surrender to God's love, we aren't overcome by the weights. Instead, we're lifted above them by all as we experience God's wonder. That all helps us transcend our circumstances by directing our attention to God. We're cleansed of our burdens and fears and we're revived with purpose and peace. This deep love caused us to a deeper relationship with God, where we allow God's love to flow through every aspect of our lives. Whenever we enjoy waterfalls and waves and God's creation Let's remember that God's deep loving presence calls out to the depths of our souls, inviting us into powerful relationships with our Creator. Intersecting safe and life. As you consider how God's deep and powerful love washes over you, reflect on these questions. And what ways have you experienced God's love as a powerful, overwhelming force in your life? How does the imagery of waterfalls waves and breakers help you understand the depth and strength of God's love? What areas of your life feel dry or barren? And how can you invite God's living water to refresh those plac
5 Ways the Holy Spirit Leads Us
July 3, 2024 - 7 min
Explore the profound ways the Holy Spirit guides us believers in their faith journey. Delve into 5 transformative aspects of how the Spirit leads us, SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to The Crosswalk Devotional. We're so glad to have you listening. I'm Lynette Kittle. And today's topic is five ways the Holy Spirit leads us. We'll be right back after a brief message from our sponsor. "Five ways the Holy Spirit Leads Us" written and read by Lynette Kittle. "He tells them and I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever." John 14:16.  How do we hear from God? For many we aren't expecting or waiting to hear from him, because we don't believe he will, or even wants to communicate directly with us. But Jesus who walked this world and personally spoke to the masses, tells us repeatedly that he is not leaving us alone, but sending us a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who will continue to lead us like he did with those who walked with him on earth. Jesus explained in John 14:26, "but the advocate the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything I have said to you." Following are five ways the Holy Spirit leads us.  #1: God's Word. Foremost, the Holy Spirit talks to us through God's word, get it off and seems like it's the last place. Many Christians turn to hear his voice. Although the look for him to talk to them through a song or a passing billboard. Turning to his word seems like a last resort for them. Still, not only does the Holy Spirit speak through it, but he inspired it every word. 2 Timothy 3:16 explains how "all scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" as well. The Holy Spirit actively speaks to us now. Through it Hebrews 4:12 describes, "for the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing a soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."  #2: His Voice, Hebrews 3:7 teaches that we can hear His voice, leading us saying "so as the Holy Spirit says, Today, if you hear His voice," for most, this is an inward hearing of the Holy Spirit's voice, speaking to our hearts, but nevertheless he is speaking to us, teaching us and reminding us of everything Jesus told us. In John 16:13-14, Jesus assures us that the Holy Spirit speaks to us. "But when he the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own, he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify Me, because it is from me, that he will receive what he will make known to you." As Romans 8:16 assures "the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." #3: Through Prayer. Prayer is not just praying to God, but also about letting the Holy Spirit lead us in how to pray. Romans 8:26 explains how,"in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for. but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us to wordless groans." as well. Ephesians 6:18 urges us "and pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and request. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people."  #4: Godly Counsel. The Holy Spirit leads us through Godly counsel, whether through trusted godly individuals we talked to who are led by Him, or by directly leading us. Psalm 16:7 describes how "I will praise the Lord who counsels me even at night, my hearts instructs me." Sometimes he speaks to us to other Christians. is an even at times through dreams while we're sleeping when he has our full and uninterrupted attention. #5 Nature. Many individuals have been led to God through observing and experiencing nature, seeing his handiwork in gaining understanding that there is a Creator who designed and formed at all. Romans 1:20 describes how, "For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Still, it's confusing to many believers, how and which person of the Triune God is leading them? The answer is all three in one. They're all three distinct person's yet unified in speaking to us. On Earth Jesus spoke with the father was speaking to him, John 14:31. And the Holy Spirit comes from the Father, speaking to us what Jesus said in John 15:26 Jesus explains, "when the advocate comes, whom I will send to you from
A Transformed Life
July 2, 2024 - 5 min
Discover how Jesus transforms lives, reshaping thoughts and lifestyles. Explore the power of mercy and grace, a journey of encountering Jesus. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to The Crosswalk Devotional. We're glad to have you listening. Today's topic is a transformed life. We'll return with the devotional after a brief message from one of our sponsors. "A Transformed Life" written and read by Emma Danzey.  First Timothy, 1:12-14 says, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because he considered me faithful, putting me into service even though I was previously a blasphemer, and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was more than abundant with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus." I think Christ Jesus, our Lord, who has strengthened me because he considered me faithful, putting me into service. We all have a testimony. We all have different paths that God has called us to. Jesus has strengthened us just like he strengthened Paul to write Timothy about what the Lord had done in his own life. What is it that Christ has strengthened you to do in the past? What is he strengthening you for right now? The Lord believed that Paul was faithful and put him to service, or reproving to be faithful to God. No one is perfect, but are we willing to be used by him and molded into His image each day? To live a transformed life means that we are submitted to the work of the Holy Spirit, through prayer and reading scripture.  The Bible is living, active and powerful. It changes us when we read it, because we are receiving the word from God. Prayer changes us as we seek the Lord's will and bring her desires and concerns to him. He cares for us. Even though I was previously a blasphemer, and a persecutor and a violent aggressor. What were you before you came to Christ? Paul was a blasphemer, persecutor, and violent aggressor. These are not qualities I would initially jump at for someone to become an apostle in the church. However, this is what Jesus does. He takes those who were enslaved to sin and brings us into His kingdom purposes, changed by His Spirit in us. God receives glory for his transformative work. We receive new identities in Christ. Paul had a literal name change from Saul to Paul, Jesus changed his entire identity and brought him out of a life of hypocrisy. Yet I was shown mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was more than abundant with the faith and love which are found in Christ Jesus. And Jesus showed great mercy to Paul because he acted foolishly before he knew Jesus. Do we show others this kind of mercy? Do we remember that others around us are not awakened by the work of the Holy Spirit yet? Do we give grace for them to be on a journey to discovering Jesus too?  Jesus remembered that saw later Paul was a sinner in need of Him, just like we need him and everyone else in the world needs him. His grace is described as abundant. We have more than enough in him. Perhaps you have recently become a follower of Jesus. Maybe you feel under qualified because of your past mistakes. Some of the most faithful and powerful use believers have come from some of the most horrific backgrounds of sin just like Paul, maybe you have worked very closely with Christ for a while and need a reminder of how sinful you truly are without the help of the Holy Spirit. Remember that he has washed you whiter than snow too. And be careful not to have a judgmental attitude towards the past sins of others. All have sinned and fall short of God's glory. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.  We've become free by Jesus's sacrifice and resurrection. All of our sins are forgiven, intersecting faith in life. How does thinking about Paul's transformed life remind you that anything is possible with God to transform your own life? And what ways has Jesus changed you from a sinful thought pattern or lifestyle? Who can you share his transformative work with this week and tell of His great love and forgiveness for them and their life? Further reading Psalm 25:6, Ephesians 2:4-5, Ephesians 2:8-9. The Crosswalk Devotional is a production of lifeaudio and Salem media. If you liked what you heard today, please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show. For more faith filled inspirational podcasts, visit us at Discover more Christian podcasts at <a href
Pursue Reconciliation, Not Condemnation
July 1, 2024 - 5 min
Reconciliation is key to healing relationships, rather than resorting to condemnation. God's love and grace provides a path to healing and restoration, challenging us to extend mercy and seek unity.  SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to the crosswalk devotional. We're glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is on how to pursue reconciliation above condemnation. You are going to learn today practical tips and the reason why you should not walk in condemnation. We'll return with the devotional after a brief message from our sponsors. Pursue Reconciliation, Not Condemnation written in read by Kelly Balarie for you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. Matthew seven to discipling, a young student, I tried to make truth as plain as possible. I said, judgment is like a boomerang. When you launch it at someone you can expect it to hit them, and then to immediately return and hit you. Judgment always boomerangs back to the one who launched it. A wife speaks mean words to her husband. Before long the husband is saying mean words to her. A critic speaks loudly on social media condemning a church before long comments appear on his post accusing him. A judgmental comment is made about a lady at church. Next week after leaving church, the person that felt judged, now feels judged. Without realizing it, they figure people must be judging me the same way I am judging them. That's what people do after all.  Now, the reality of the situation is that judgment might not even be happening towards this person, but it is expected. Why? Because we expect people to treat us the same way we treat them. We assume judgment is happening because we ourselves are judgmental. The feeling of judgment is just as bad as the reality of it. judgment and condemnation are boomerangs that only serve to hit us in the face, for you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged Matthew 7:2. Ouch. Indeed, this truth hurts, but confronting it is less painful than the standard of judgment, we will experience on earth and in heaven. For if Jesus uses the same standard that we have used to judge others, when we meet Him in heaven, there is wisdom in repenting of all the judgment we have inflicted on Earth. Where have you walked in judgment? Have you judged your spouse, your children, your boss yourself? Have you from a point of self righteousness, put other people down in your mind? I know I've done many of these things.  Let's take a second and pray. Father, forgive us. We don't even realize sometimes what we're doing. Give us power to walk not with a heart of condemnation, but with a heart of reconciliation, by Your grace. Help us see the good in others. Before we point out the bad. Give us eyes to see hope rather than another person's demise. sound an alarm in us if we are ever to celebrate someone else's misfortune, in Jesus's name, Amen.  Intersecting faith and life. My husband I have a saying that comes up when we are arguing. When a finger is pointed and accusing word start flying. We say to the finger pointer. If you spot it, you got it. What does that mean? If my husband says that to me? It means that if I spot a character issue with him, I probably have it in me. How can I know this? I wouldn't be able to recognize it in him. If I wasn't already familiar with it. In Me. We see what we know. It is called projection. What issue that you are quick to see and others may be something that God wants to address with you. How might his word address that issue? How can you change? How might your actions inspire the other person to change to? The crosswalk devotional is a production of life audio and Salem media. If you liked what you heard today, please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show. For more faith filled inspirational podcasts, visit us at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Is It A Sin to Say or Do Nothing Concerning Evil in the World?
June 30, 2024 - 7 min
"If anyone then knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it. It is a sin for them." (James 4:17)  SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to the crosswalk devotional. We're so glad to have you listening. I'm Lynette Kittle. And today's topic is, is it a sin to say or do nothing concerning evil in the world? We'll be right back after a brief message from our sponsor"Is it a sin to say or do nothing concerning evil in the world?" written and read by Lynette Kittle.  "If anyone then knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it. It is a sin for them." (James 4:17)  When it comes to the sin of omission, what does it mean? Is it even really a sin? No one wants to really talk or even think about the times they've stood by in a situation and said or did nothing, as well. Many don't really consider it to be a problem, to choose to stand by, as something sinful. But is it? Isaiah 1:17 urges us to learn to do right seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Still, how many believers in Jesus Christ are sitting in their offices, churches and homes, not agreeing with what is taking place around them? Yet not saying or doing anything to address it? But rather staying quiet, letting things progress from worse to worse? Psalm 1912 Ask, but who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults? Do some believers just not care? Or is it maybe Christians just don't want to deal with the messiness of getting involved? If so? Is God Okay? With us opposing it on the inside of ourselves secretly? But not saying or doing anything to address it? Does he understand we just don't want to stir the pot cause conflict? Or put anyone on the spot? If we don't say or do anything, but we pray? Does that count as doing something?  Yes, it absolutely does count. James 5:16 reminds us that our prayers are powerful and effective. Still, along with praying at times, God calls us to get involved by saying or doing something following our biblical examples, where he called individuals to take action. Estar, a Jewish girl who really didn't want to get involved, needed encouragement from her uncle Mordecai to act. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place. But you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your oil position for such a time as this. Esther 4:14. Although reluctant to take action, when Esther did, God moved on her behalf in phenomenal ways, by removing a powerful person from position, replacing him with a godly person and saving an entire nation of people. Another example is Jesus. throughout the New Testament, we find Jesus constantly in prayer. Yet people often like to glide over his interaction with the money changers at the temple. But Scripture records his strong words and actions.  Matthew 21:12-13 describes how Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling dos. It is written and he said to them, My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers. Still, how do we know if God is calling us to step out and take action in various situations?  Proverbs 24:10-12 urges if you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength? rescue those being led away to death. Hold back those staggering towards slaughter. If you say but we knew nothing about that. This does not he who weighs the heart perceive it. Does not he who guards your life No it will he not repay everyone according to what they have done. Silence equals consent. The sin of omission historian and author William J. Feta writes, perhaps God is giving people a faith and opportunity to show what they really believe in their hearts through their words and actions. History is filled with accounts of people suffering, coercion, and persecution by godless, totalitarian governments. maligned smeared, cancelled and crushed in hopeless situations against insurmountable odds, writes Federer, but then stirred by the Spirit, little nobodies rise up small in their own eyes, but big in faith and courage, to speak truth to power, and to resist evil. When it comes to answering God's call in how, where and when to respond.    Psalm 26 to urges us to ask God to test me Lord and try me, examine my heart and my mind. Likewise, Second Corinthians 13:5 encourages us to examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in yo
Why Unforgiveness Is Absolutely Not an Option
June 29, 2024 - 6 min
Choosing forgiveness aligns with God's heart and unlocks healing and freedom, both for ourselves and others. Listen in and uncover the transformative power of forgiveness and why it's essential for every follower of Christ. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcription Below: Welcome to the crosswalk, devotional work Glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is on why unforgiveness is absolutely not an option. We will return with the devotional after a brief message from our sponsors. Why unforgiveness is not an option written and read by Kelly Balarie. Then Peter came up and said to him, Lord, how often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him? As many as seven times. Jesus said to him, I do not say to you seven times, but 77 times! Matthew 18:21-22.  I was furious at this person sitting on the couch, I knew there may as well have been a brick wall between us. I was angry, I felt unprotected and exposed. I didn't want to get hurt again. Fools do that. Sure. His words sounded apologetic, but could I trust them? He was saying one thing. But all my emotions wanted to believe another. Nodding, I pretended like everything was okay. At the same time, my mind circled back to a conversation I recently had with a friend. She explained how she didn't intend to send me a podcast to teach me a lesson, or to prove a point. She just wanted to know my opinion about it. I remember thinking, I have to trust her at her word. Otherwise, if I go by a feeling, I will not go about forgiving. I told her, friend, I know your heart. I immediately moved on from bitterness. What can I do the same thing with this man? Why couldn't I trust his heart? Why couldn't I take him at his word? I sat with that thought. After a time I came to the fact that Jesus doesn't tell me It's an option that I forgive. He doesn't tell me it might be a good idea that I forgive. Jesus tells me TO forgive.  Then Peter came up and said to him, Lord, how often will my brother sinned against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times. Jesus said to him, I do not say to you seven times. But 77 times.. Matthew 18:21,- 22. Man will fail us 77 times. And God calls us to forgive them 77 times, even when by our natural, we have no good reason as to why we should forgive them. Never once did Jesus say, we have to understand every reason why. He just tells us to forgive. To Love the Lord is to obey his commands. To give someone forgiveness is to offer them a fresh start. Jesus is though way, so certainly his truth leads the way to abundant life. This doesn't mean we abandoned reason or wisdom as we forgive. Certainly boundaries, and wise words are always needed. At the same time, the calling to forgive still stands to.  Who do you need to forgive today. How might God be preparing something new for you in that relationship? How might God be growing fruit in you? How might this growing of fruit in your life affect others? Friends, forgiveness is never merited hardly deserved, but it is always required. We forgive just as Jesus forgave us, intersecting faith and life. Then Peter came up and said to him, Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times. Jesus said to him, I do not say to you seven times But 77 times this indicates that man will hurt us many, many times. Not only will they hurt us, but they will verifiably sin against us. When we know that someone has not only hurt us, but they have blatantly sinned in our face, how will we handle it? Are we a person of grace or Venga? Do we continually blame and point fingers at the past or at the person? Or do we make way for an immediate and radical forgiveness? The crosswalk devotional is a production of life audio and Salem media. If you liked what you heard today, please take a second to rate and review this podcast in your favorite podcast app so that more listeners like you can find the show. For more faith filled inspirational podcasts, visit us at   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Sing to Him
June 28, 2024 - 6 min
Whether in moments of joy or times of trial, learn how worship transforms hearts and draws us closer to the heart of God. Tune in as we explore the significance of singing to Him in spirit and truth, inviting His presence into our lives. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcript Below: Welcome to the crosswalk devotional. We're glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is why singing is a powerful way to celebrate God's wonderful work in your life. We'll return with the devotional after a brief message from our sponsors. Sing To Him written and read by Whitney Hepler. Sing to him, sing praise to Him. Tell of all his wonderful acts. First Chronicles 16:9 NIV.I sometimes sing my prayers to God, and I also love to sing pray songs at home or in my car. Singing helps me focus on using the unique voice God has given me to connect with him. It's also an enjoyable way to express myself. When I want to celebrate something wonderful God has done I naturally feel like singing.Lately I've been singing the simple yet beautiful praise song. I love you, Lord by Lori Klein, acapella and spontaneously, whenever I want to thank God for something. That song begins, I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You, oh my soul rejoice. Lifting my voice to worship God by singing makes me feel personally connected to God and inspires me to rejoice that God's wonderful work in my life.There is something uniquely powerful about singing.It transcends the spoken words we use in regular conversations and often take for granted. Singing taps into a deep spiritual part of us. And first Chronicles 16:9. The Bible encourages us to sing praise to God to tell him his wonderful acts. Music has a way of embedding itself into our memories and emotions. That makes singing a powerful way to celebrate the wonderful ways God is working in our lives. singing praise to God is a form of worship, that not only honors God, but also reminds us of His goodness in power. Each of us has a unique voice, a distinct way of expressing ourselves. When we sing, we engage this God given gift in a personal and profound way. Our voices become instruments of praise that resonate with our individual experiences and emotions. This uniqueness reflects our personal journeys with God. So singing helps us to discover and use our unique voices to connect with God more deeply.When we feel joyful, songs of praise can amplify our joy, turning our rejoicing into an offering to God. When we feel sad, singing can lift our spirits and help us find comfort in God's presence. The act of singing praises to God can transform our perspective by shifting our focus of our circumstances to God's greatness. Singing can be a powerful tool for self expression and connection with God because it involves our whole selves, body, mind and spirit. The physical act of singing engages our breath, creating a sense of presence and grounding and our bodies. The mental focus required to remember lyrics and melodies sharpens our minds. Spiritually singing opens us up to the Holy Spirit, making room for a stronger connection between our spirits and God's Spirit. We never need to worry about how good our voices sound musically when we're singing to God. God's focus isn't on our music, talents, or on our skills. It's on us authentically expressing ourselves to Him. God listens with the love when we sing to him from our heart. When we lift our voices in song to God with simple and genuine praise, we can notice God's presence with us and feel God's love for us. The songs we sing in worship are not just musical pieces. They're declarations of God's wonderful character and acts. So as you think of God's wonderful work in your life, sing praises to Him, not just as a ritual, but as a heartfelt expression of your love and gratitude. Let your voice tell the story of God's amazing grace and unfailing love. Your unique God given voice is invaluable gift. When you use it to sing God's praises you celebrate not only his wonderful acts, but also the individual way God has created you to connect with him.intersecting saith and life as you consider how singing can help you celebrate God's wonderful work in your life, reflect on these questions. Can you recall a time when a worship song helped you feel closer to God or gave you strength during a difficult time?What are some of God's wonderful acts in your life that you can celebrate through singing?How can you incorporate singing into your daily devotional time?How does using your unique voice by singing strengthen your personal connection with God? <p
God Never Dies
June 27, 2024 - 6 min
Discover how God's timeless existence brings hope, comfort, and reassurance in every season. Explore the profound implications of God's immortality and how understanding this truth strengthens our faith and transforms our perspective on life's challenges. SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: Daily Bible Verse: Full Transcripts below: Welcome to the crosswalk devotional. We're glad to have you listening with us. Today's topic is about what to do when we experienced loss. Well, we tend with a devotional after a message from our sponsors. God never dies by Alexis Goring. God is the only one who never dies. He lives in light so bright that men cannot go near it. No one has ever seen God or you can see him. My honor and power belongs to God forever. Amen. 1 Timothy 6:16. At one point or another in our life on Earth, we will experience loss. A woman's pet dog of more than a decade dies and leaves her heartbroken because they were so close. A divorce, his pet cat, with her solace to the trauma of her shattered heart died, leaving her more broken than ever. A wife whose husband passes away, and she feels like the one has been knocked out of her cells, because he wast her everything. A young man dumped by his girlfriend who he dreamed of marrying, feels depressed now than his hope for that special relationship is over. A child who loses their best friend who they thought would be their friend forever cries out of loneliness. These are all real life case scenarios about losing someone or something you love with all your heart. Such grief leaves a hole in our souls, because we spent much of our lives be filled and comforted by what is no longer hours. The severed ties are devastating. And we may struggle with how to cope with such profound disappointments. But again is is that there was one relationship that we all can have that will last for all eternity, of friendship with Jesus Christ. It never fails because he and his Heavenly Father God will live forever. God never dies. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 31:8, the Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you or forget you. Don't be afraid. Don't worry. We serve a great God who promises to never leave our side. And his promises are forever true. First Corinthians chapter one, verse nine. He loves humankind with all his heart, and He gave His Holy Spirit to comfort us when we are sad and grieving. I understand how it feels to experience loss. When I lost a friendship that I hoped would last forever. God helped me heal and realize that he is my forever friends. Were my wonderful compassionate and Christian faith filled grandparents died. God helped me remember that he'd ever dies. God will always care for me just like my maternal grandparents cared for our family members. When I lost a few jobs over the years that once brought a steady flow of good income. God showed me that he is Jehovah Jireh my provider. When I felt depressed, God showed me that he restores. He even sent me to our church whose theme song is God restores by dynamic praise. God gave healing and restoration to so many people through that churches ministry, and we have forever changed and closer to him because of it. There are since he wasted on life experiences may differ. We all have a God shaped hole in our soul that only God can fill. No person can complete us like he can. No amount of money and luxury can fill this hole. No drink or substance can permanently relieve the pain. Only God can. While you allow God to fill you up with his presence, while you ask him to give you a peace that passes all understanding Philippians 4:7. God is ready and willing to be everything you need him more. He is just a prayer away. You don't always need to kneel to pray be inside of a church or in the presence of pastors and Christian leaders. Because God is literally everywhere. He hears you no matter where you are in this world. May His faithfulness encouraged your heart and inspire you to go to him for the healing you need after suffering loss. Intersecting faith in life when you're experienced Seeing a loss. Who do you turn to? How does it feel to know that God understands everything you're going through and is ready to help you further reading Deuteronomy 30:3 Jeremiah 30:17, Jeremiah 17:14, Isaiah 40:31, Mark 11:24. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Crosswalk: The Devotional is brought to you by a group of writers and editors seeking to provide applicable, educational and entertaining content to followers of Jesus Christ regardless of where they are in their respective spiritual journeys.

Our goal with this podcast, is to encourage and challenge you, to help you worship and help you think, to give you practical application of Scripture as well as positive shared testimonies and honest struggles.
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