Executive Functioning Behavioral Intervention Strategies for Parents
Does your child struggle with meltdowns, starting tasks, keeping things organized, or remembering where they put something? Then this conversation has what you need to build strategies specific to the needs of your child that will get to the root of these issues and build personalized executive functioning skills to improve behavior and learning.
Our special guest this week on Empowering Homeschool Conversations was Karen Haggard M. Ed, Barton certified literacy consulting specialist and owner of Literacy Consulting Specialties. Karen shared with us about "Executive Functioning Behavioral Intervention Strategies for Parents"
Viewers like you funded similar episodes, and other free resources from SPED Homeschool. To learn how you can support the nonprofit work of SPED Homeschool and this broadcast, visithttps://spedhomeschool.com/donate/
To connect with Karen and the resources she shared, use these links:
Main Website Link for Literacy Consulting Specialties: http://www.literacyconsultingspecialties.com/
The Pathway to Success Executive Function Resources https://www.thepathway2success.com/executive-functioning-skills/
Boys Town Press Executive Function series…. https://www.boystownpress.org/storybook-series/executive-function-book-series/
Equipping Minds: https://equippingminds.com/
Other resources recommended by Karen:
Smart But Scattered, by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare - https://a.co/d/eOyXqjZ
Understood (online resource for learning and thinking differences)- https://www.understood.org/
Seth Perler (so many resources on Seth’s site) - https://sethperler.com/
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Peggy founded SPED Homeschool in 2017 after working in the special education homeschooling industry for over a decade and now she and her team empower families across the globe to homeschool students with diverse learning needs.
She is certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors and trained as a Precept Bible Study leader. Peggy is also a professional aerial silks performer and instructor. In her free time, Peggy enjoys vegan/gluten-free cooking, paddle boarding, hiking and reading. She and her husband Doug live in League City, TX, and after 19 years of homeschooling have now graduated all three of their children from their home school.