Courage to Live in Your New Now with Nicki Koziarz
Most of us feel some level of anxiety during times of transition, especially if we're unsure as to what's ahead. We might allow our discomfort to keep us stuck in the past or trying to rush forward toward what we think or hope is ahead. If you can relate, you'll enjoy this episodes conversation with author and speaker Nicki Koziarz. (Scroll down for Discussion/Reflective questions.)
Find Nicki Koziarz at:
Her book: Your New Now: Finding Strength and Wisdom When You Feel Stuck Where You Are
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Discussion/Reflective questions:
- What resonated with you most in this episode?
- What season of life do you feel you are currently in?
- What do you find challenging about this season?
- In what way is, might God be, teaching and growing you in this season?
- How can remembering God's heart toward you help you gain peace, perseverance, and patience in your current season?
- When have you seen God turn what felt like an "ugly" season into something beautiful?
- What is one action step God might want you to take based on what you learned through this episode?
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