Faith Over Fear
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Experiencing Jesus in Opposition

November 21, 2023
00:00 30:33
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Imagine sitting in a job interview and your prospective boss tells you two things. First, he says the position he wants to hire you for will be challenging and filled with constant opposition. But, second, you will find the assignment incredibly fulfilling–and through it, you'll experience an intimacy with Christ you hadn't prior. Would you take it? As you consider this role, which part of the man's conversation will you reflect on most? As Christ-followers, we're faced with this question daily. Which will we give greatest emphasis–the opposition we'll inevitably face, or the God who stands with us, refines and strengthens us, and makes Himself known to us through it all? In this episode, host Jennifer Slattery speaks with Bible study writer Kathy Howard on the beauty that can come through opposition. 

(Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.)

Resources mentioned: the Deep Rooted Devotional Series

Find Kathy Howard:

On her website




Find Jennifer Slattery:

On her website




  1. What resonated with you most in today's episode?
  2. What Bible passages do you turn to when you feel overwhelmed?
  3. How do you tend to interpret opposition: as a sign you are doing something wrong and God is displeased with you, OR, as a normal part of living for Jesus?
  4. How might viewing opposition as an opportunity to experience Jesus on a deeper level impact your journey? 
  5. What steps might you take to experience God's presence in difficult seasons?
  6. What can you learn from Paul's response in Acts 16?
  7. What does it mean to have an eternal focus?
  8. How can maintaining an eternal focus during seasons of opposition strengthen your soul to remain faithful?
  9. Pause to image standing before Jesus and hearing Him say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant. You completed all that I assigned to you." (Engage all of your senses for this exercise.) 
  10. What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode?

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Meet Your Hosts
Jennifer Slattery, founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, is a multi-published author, national speaker, and speaking coach passionate about helping God's children reach their full potential and live fully surrendered to Christ. She is a host on Your Daily Bible Verse and Faith Over Fear. Find her online at
Meet Your Hosts
Carol Ogle McCracken is a fun-loving wedding planner, speaker, Bible teacher, and author who brings to Scripture to inspire a personal, vibrant relationship with Him. Her authentic challenges faced while journeying through alcoholism, raising a child with special needs, and divorce, equip her to teach, entertain and encourage you. Carol currently serves as the Minister of Discipleship at her home church and is a Christian communicator in many different forums, large and small, and especially enjoys teaching at women’s retreats. Her book Wisdom, Where to Find It if You've Lost, Forgotten, or Never Had It was released in November 2020.
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