The Cynthia Garrett Podcast
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The Cynthia Garrett Podcast

Cynthia Garrett

Navigate the crossroads of politics and culture, through the lens of the Christian faith, with Cynthia Garrett. Explore the essence of biblical truths, hear from everyday voices, and challenge your perspectives in a continuing dialogue that bridges the gap between faith and real life. 

For over two decades, Cynthia has brought wisdom to modern life, engaged with everyday folks, and driven conversations that matter on TV and in the Media. She is a voice of reason in an unreasonable world. With a touch of hipness and a lot of heart, The Cynthia Garrett Podcast is here to challenge perspectives, inspire change, and unify a very un-unified nation – when possible.  

And, when it’s not possible, look out America! Cynthia calls it hard and fast, knowing that often the only unity is on your side of the table.  

She’s a Black female Joe Rogan and she’s in need of your support. 

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What Does "Walking The Narrow Path" Look Like In Your Life?
December 19, 2023 - 47 min
Scripture says “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14) ...but what does that actually mean for you in your life? What does it look like to live that way? Is it hard? Is it better? Better than what? Join Cynthia Garrett and the full Girl Club Crew Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau as they discuss this one! Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies  Do you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! Take THE IDENTITY CHALLENGEWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY Watch THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT  Buy CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: -------CYNTHIA GARRETT Find out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now - Get your copy! Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - Read Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback & E-book). Get your copy here! Catch up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrettTikTok - @cynthiagarrettministries Facebook - Cynthia Garrett Ministries X (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick YouTube - Cynthia Garrett Ministries-------CHRISTINA REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds YouTube - Christina Reynolds TikTok - @ShuffleMamas -------NOVA PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage Check out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING Instagram - @marriage_ing Take a look at Nova's interior design business -------CHRISTINA BOUDREAUConnect with Christina:Instagram – @christinamboudreau Check out The Whosoevers Movement Watch Christina’s TEDx Talk 'I Am Beautiful'  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Pain, Purpose And Peace - How They All Work Together
December 12, 2023 - 44 min
Dealing with pain and suffering is hard. Especially if there seems to be zero point to it. But what does God say? Does He have a purpose for your pain? And how could that lead you to a place of peace? Cynthia Garrett, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau go in deep on this one, sharing from their own very real life circumstances of pain, suffering, fear, doubt, confusion and transition. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies  Do you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! Take THE IDENTITY CHALLENGEWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY Watch THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT  Buy CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: -------CYNTHIA GARRETT Find out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now - Get your copy! Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - Read Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback & E-book). Get your copy here! Catch up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrettTikTok - @cynthiagarrettministries Facebook - Cynthia Garrett Ministries X (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick YouTube - Cynthia Garrett Ministries-------CHRISTINA REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds YouTube - Christina Reynolds TikTok - @ShuffleMamas -------NOVA PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage Check out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING Instagram - @marriage_ing Take a look at Nova's interior design business -------CHRISTINA BOUDREAUConnect with Christina:Instagram – @christinamboudreau Check out The Whosoevers Movement Watch Christina’s TEDx Talk 'I Am Beautiful'  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Why Don't The Jews Possess The Land God Promised Them? And What Faith Lesson Is There In It FOR YOU?
November 21, 2023 - 40 min
Is the Israel/Palestine war a strong indicator that Daniel’s 70th week will be beginning soon? What is Daniel’s 70th week in the Bible? Is what we are seeing the lead up to Daniel’s 70th week in which two out of every three Jews will be killed rather than just the one in three that we saw in the Second World War? Why don't the Jews yet possess the full land that God has given them? Is it because of rejecting Jesus? Bible Scholar Roger Charles joins Cynthia Garrett and Nova Page to answer these detailed viewer questions about the Israel / Palestine conflict and End Times Prophecy...the resulting conversation is a deep revelation about God's promises, life's challenges and FAITH in all of our lives. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies  Do you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! Take THE IDENTITY CHALLENGEWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY Watch THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT  Buy CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: -------CYNTHIA GARRETT Find out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now - Get your copy! Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - Read Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback & E-book). Get your copy here! Catch up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrettTikTok - @cynthiagarrettministries Facebook - Cynthia Garrett Ministries X (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick YouTube - Cynthia Garrett Ministries-------CHRISTINA REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds YouTube - Christina Reynolds TikTok - @ShuffleMamas -------NOVA PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage Check out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING Instagram - @marriage_ing Take a look at Nova's interior design business -------CHRISTINA BOUDREAUConnect with Christina:Instagram – @christinamboudreau Check out The Whosoevers Movement Watch Christina’s TEDx Talk 'I Am Beautiful'  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Israel V Palestine Q&A with Bible Scholar Roger Charles
November 14, 2023 - 74 min
What is going on in the world today? Israel's dropping bombs. Russia's dropping bombs. The Ukraine is dropping bombs. Palestine is dropping bombs. Everybody's dropping bombs. Everyone's crazy. Everyone's confused. And if you're a Christian, you're probably in that group of people who are all saying, "Oh no, is it the end of the world? Are these the signs that Jesus spoke about through the New Testament that indicate that we're beginning to see the End Times prophecies?" Bible Scholar Roger Charles joins Cynthia Garrett and the Girl Club Crew to answer the questions on all our minds including - What exactly does "standing with Israel" look like for Christians? Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies  Do you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! Take THE IDENTITY CHALLENGEWE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY Watch THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT  Buy CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: -------CYNTHIA GARRETT Find out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now - Get your copy! Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - Read Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback & E-book). Get your copy here! Catch up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrettTikTok - @cynthiagarrettministries Facebook - Cynthia Garrett Ministries X (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick YouTube - Cynthia Garrett Ministries-------CHRISTINA REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds YouTube - Christina Reynolds TikTok - @ShuffleMamas -------NOVA PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage Check out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING Instagram - @marriage_ing Take a look at Nova's interior design business -------CHRISTINA BOUDREAUConnect with Christina:Instagram – @christinamboudreau Check out The Whosoevers Movement Watch Christina’s TEDx Talk 'I Am Beautiful'  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Should Christians Be Famous?
November 7, 2023 - 51 min
Should Christians be famous? And if they can be famous, how are they supposed to handle fame? Were human beings made to be worshipped? What does success look like as an artist of any kind - when you're a Christian? What about Award Shows? - should they exist in Christian industries? Cynthia Garrett has been a part of the Hollywood fame machine, Christina Reynolds and Nova Page are singer-songwriters with experiences in the secular and Christian industries - and they all have thoughts and opinions on this one! Get ready for Real Talk! Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies - you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE: WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY: THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT - CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: GARRETTCynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now! - Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book) - up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrett - - @cynthiagarrettministries - - CynthiaGarrettMinistries - (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick - - Cynthia Garrett Ministries - REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds - YouTube - Christina Reynolds - - PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage - out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING - - @marriage_ing - a look at Nova's interior design business – <a href="http://www.novajoydes
Nations At War. Time To Forgive?
October 31, 2023 - 30 min
Divisions across the US, Turmoil  around the globe, Torture in our own lives caused by the trauma of past abuses.  Could forgiveness really be the key to bringing about resolution and freedom in all these areas? Join Cynthia Garrett for a look at Culture Through A Different Lens. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel------- Find out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now - Get your copy! Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - Read Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book). Get your copy here! Catch up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrettTikTok - @cynthiagarrettministries Facebook - Cynthia Garrett MinistriesX (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick --------- Do you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! Watch THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT  Buy CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Israel V Palestine. Where's God In It?
October 24, 2023 - 45 min
Israel and Palestine are in active war, right now in October 2023. There are protests in many western nations, for both sides. The situation is very intense. World War III is even being spoken about. Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds and Nova Page discuss. And ask - Where is God in it? Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies - you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE: WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY: THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT - CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: GARRETTCynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now! - Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book) - up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrett - - @cynthiagarrettministries - - CynthiaGarrettMinistries - (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick - - Cynthia Garrett Ministries - REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds - YouTube - Christina Reynolds - - PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage - out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING - - @marriage_ing - a look at Nova's interior design business – BOUDREAUConnect with Christina:Instagram – @christinamboudreau - https://w
Do You See God Even When Life Hurts?
October 17, 2023 - 44 min
Can you see God's hand at work even when life hurts? When hard situations and circumstances are happening how do you respond? Do you feel hurt, angry and frustrated? And abandoned by God? That's real. Those deep places are hard to come through. But. It is possible. Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page, Christina Boudreau and Summer Garrett as they share from the struggles they've endured in their lives and how they've kept the faith. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies - you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE: WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY: THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT - CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: GARRETTCynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now! - Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book) - up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrett - - @cynthiagarrettministries - - CynthiaGarrettMinistries - (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick - - Cynthia Garrett Ministries - REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds - YouTube - Christina Reynolds - - PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage - out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING - - @marriage_ing - a look at Nova's interior design business –<str
Do You Trust God To Order Your Footsteps?
October 10, 2023 - 46 min
Do you really believe that God is ordering your footsteps? Do you trust Him to order your footsteps - to be directing your life? What about when things are going wrong? Or maybe when you keep messing up? Does it feel like God is directing you in those times? The Girl Club crew can relate! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau as they dig into this one - as always sharing from their very real lives. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies - you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE: WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY: THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT - CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: GARRETTCynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now! - Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book) - up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrett - - @cynthiagarrettministries - - CynthiaGarrettMinistries - (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick - - Cynthia Garrett Ministries - REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds - YouTube - Christina Reynolds - - PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage - out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING - - @marriage_ing - a look at Nova's interior design business –
Crazy Days? Trouble Asking For Help? Here's Your Answers!
September 26, 2023 - 56 min
How do you cope when your day goes sideways? How do you respond when your well planned day gets interrupted? Are you pure frustration? Can you adjust? Laugh it off even? What about when you're struggling with something - in a moment, or in life - can you ask for help? Do you think it's OK to ask for help? Or do you feel like you should have it all together? Maybe you don't want to be a burden to others? - because after all, your problem is smaller than everyone else's, or so you think, right? Join Cynthia Garrett, Nova Page, Christina Boudreau and Summer Garrett as they share on all the above from within their very real lives. Subscribe, Comment, Like, and Leave a Review!Check out this episode on CGM's YouTube Channel-------GIRL CLUB is Real Girls having Real Talk about Real Issues and applying their very Real Faith! Join Cynthia Garrett, Christina Reynolds, Nova Page and Christina Boudreau every week! Find out more about the ladies - you want to know your TRUE IDENTITY? Get your FREE list of IDENTITY AFFIRMATIONS! THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE: WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU - send us your video thoughts on how THE IDENTITY CHALLENGE impacts you -'GIRL CLUB' MUGS NOW AVAILABLE - including The BREAKTHROUGH ASSASSIN Mug! VISIT CGM’S STORE TODAY: THE LONDON SESSIONS w/ CYNTHIA GARRETT - CGM a Coffee and Support Our Work! If you would like to support CGM with a one-time or recurring gift you can do that here: GARRETTCynthia's second book "I CHOOSE VICTORY - Moving From Victim To Victor" is available now! - Find out more about CHOOSING VICTORY - out more about the work of Cynthia Garrett Ministries - Cynthia's powerful life story in her first book "PRODIGAL DAUGHTER: A Journey Home To Identity" - available now on Amazon (Paperback &amp; E-book) - up with Cynthia on social media:Instagram - @cynthiagarrett - - @cynthiagarrettministries - - CynthiaGarrettMinistries - (Twitter) - @SpiritualChick - - Cynthia Garrett Ministries - REYNOLDSConnect with Christina:Instagram – @_christinareynolds - YouTube - Christina Reynolds - - PAGEConnect with Nova: Instagram – @novapage - out Nova and her husband Ricky's show "Marriage_ing"YouTube - Marriage_ING - - @marriage_ing - https://www.instagr
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Long-time network television host Cynthia Garrett has been breaking barriers throughout her career! She became the first African-American woman to host a network late-night show with NBC’s LATER with Cynthia Garrett and currently hosts & produces The Sessions with Cynthia Garrett, airing weekly around the world on TBN; the world’s top faith and family network.

She is regularly seen on FOX News on ‘The Ingraham Angle’ and most recently ‘The Story w/ Martha McCallum.’ A prolific writer, her Opinion Pieces & Editorials are often seen in NEWSWEEK and other publications.

In 2016, she published her autobiography, Prodigal Daughter: A Journey Home to Identity a riveting and transformational chronicle of Garrett’s real-life adventure story, applied to scriptural lessons, that leaves readers forever impacted and changed. Her second book, I Choose Victory: Moving From Victim To Victor, was released in May 2020 (Salem/Regnery).

A highly sought-after Speaker, Ordained Minister, and Founder of Cynthia Garrett Ministries & The Bernard Garrett Sr. Foundation, Cynthia also graduated from the University of Southern California Law School and holds a certificate in comparative law from Oxford University.
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