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7. Beware the Worm – Dealing with Ambition
July 21, 2021
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Your twenties are often a time for career building. Youth brings energy and enthusiasm. But as you chase the worm, how can you avoid falling for the hook? Alyssa talks honestly with other Type A, ambitious young professionals about how to honor God with the gift of ambition.
In this episode, Alyssa covers:
1. Ambition can often be goal-focused, not people-focused. Are you willing to cut others down on your way up?
2. What is godly ambition? How can know if we have godly or ungodly ambition?
3. Falsehoods about ambition and work that we tend to believe.
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Episode Image Credit: Getty/Nuthawut Somsuk
In this episode, Alyssa covers:
1. Ambition can often be goal-focused, not people-focused. Are you willing to cut others down on your way up?
2. What is godly ambition? How can know if we have godly or ungodly ambition?
3. Falsehoods about ambition and work that we tend to believe.
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Episode Image Credit: Getty/Nuthawut Somsuk
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Alyssa Roat studied writing, theology, and the Bible at Taylor University. She is a literary agent at C.Y.L.E., the publicity manager at Mountain Brook Ink, and a freelance editor with Sherpa Editing Services. She is the co-author of Dear Hero and has 200+ bylines in publications ranging from The Christian Communicator to Keys for Kids. Find out more about her here and on social media @alyssawrote.