Announcing Neil Stratton creator of Inside The League: "Put God first! You gotta give yourself away."
Our guest today is a good friend of mine. We attended the Naval Academy together. His name is Neil Stratton. We played football together, BRIEFLY! In his words, “He was a walk-on outside linebacker. During this time, Stratton earned the distinction of being perhaps the worst player on the worst team in America during the late 80s.”
After service, Neil helped start a small draft-oriented publication called Lone Star Football (LSF) with his business partner in 1997, but dissolved in 2000. There were brighter days ahead. In 2002 he launched his current company, Inside the League (ITL). Through hard work and perseverance, Inside the League grew. So much so, that in 2008 Stratton was hired to run the 2008 Hula Bowl, which turned out to be the final performance of a venerated game that once featured names like Dan Marino, Joe Montana and Tony Dorsett. In order to fully put his focus on his duties as Executive Director of the game, Stratton shuttered the ITL site in Fall 2007. BUT, his love and passion for what he created was still eating away at him. Eager to continue his work, he retooled ITL in Fall 2008. This time, the service would publish several times weekly with a 12-month news cycle. ITL clients responded, and slowly, the service grew.
Since then, ITL has added several other popular features and services, which include; seasonal newsletters, a free weekly email called ‘Friday Wrap’, a thriving ITL Twitter account, his daily blog, Succeed in Football (, the ITL YouTube channel, ( along with his book, Moving the Chains, a guide to the NFL draft for parents with sons considering a career in pro football. Wherever you are in the football world, and whatever your budget, ITL has the tools that can help you succeed. They will work with you and help you make your dreams come true.
Neil’s faith to God, along with his grind and commitment to serving people changed his trajectory. He encourages us to all to put God first, take a different path(don’t get lost in the crowd), surround yourself with people invested in you, and to be genuine! He quotes scripture, Numbers 14:7-9 NIV, “and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.” This is great wisdom to live by. I am Billy Yancey. God is THE GOAT!
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With Anabo, Billy brings a pioneering approach to fitness and health to the Coastal Virginia area and beyond with his personalized and timed technique. As a business owner, Billy remained confident and resolute in spite of two divorces, two bankruptcies and the mayhem of the COVID pandemic, and has emerged with a thriving enterprise.
He has produced two books. Rocket Fuel, aimed at helping people battle through adversity, especially young adults, and Anabo Nutrition, a step-by-step guide to achieving excellent health using foundational processes. Billy is currently developing a mobile application for Anabo’s fitness levels with his team and will soon launch a vodcast called “Rocket Fuel: Talent Will Only Get You So Far.”