The man that endured a 99% blockage of arteries resulting in a widow-maker heart attack, transported by the Nightingale helicopter, lives to share, “YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET RIGHT TO GET RIGHT!”
My guest and I are brothers in Christ. No, we have never met in person, and that is ok. God brought us together to fellowship. Justin Bartley is his name. He was born and raised in Spring City, Tennessee. He grew up in a Christian family, and even remembers his dad being saved. Like many of us, Justin went to school, played sports, and had fun. His sport was baseball. One might think that playing baseball was his release, and a way to blow off steam. But not Justin. His go to was the weight room. He started lifting weights at 11 years old. YES, 11! Before he knew it, Justin was powerlifting. It was still his stress releaser. At age 30, it all came to a screeching halt. Justin was in a terrible car accident. He fell asleep at the wheel. He was blessed to be alive, but lifting weights was no more.
NOW WHAT!? Justin went into a tail spin. Depending on illegal drugs and alcohol trapped him in a dark space for years. He no longer wanted to live. Things got so bad. This was it. The straw that broke the camel’s back. Add this to two failed marriages, totaling 3 cars, and being totally out of control, he finally recognized he did not have a drug or alcohol problem. Justin had a self problem.
Finally, Justin got saved. He gave his life to Jesus! His testimony is riveting. Despite having a widow maker-heart attack, God still spared his life! For years, Justin looked everywhere but to God for help. Today, Justin owns a construction company, and co-leads a recovery program to help others battling similar demons, giving God all the glory. He boasts, "When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.”-Proverbs 16-7 I am Billy Yancey. God is THE GOAT!
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With Anabo, Billy brings a pioneering approach to fitness and health to the Coastal Virginia area and beyond with his personalized and timed technique. As a business owner, Billy remained confident and resolute in spite of two divorces, two bankruptcies and the mayhem of the COVID pandemic, and has emerged with a thriving enterprise.
He has produced two books. Rocket Fuel, aimed at helping people battle through adversity, especially young adults, and Anabo Nutrition, a step-by-step guide to achieving excellent health using foundational processes. Billy is currently developing a mobile application for Anabo’s fitness levels with his team and will soon launch a vodcast called “Rocket Fuel: Talent Will Only Get You So Far.”