This Heartwarming Steph Curry Story Will Restore Your Hope!
My guest and I have known each other for many years, actually his whole life. Almost 17 years now. His name is William M Yancey Jr. Yes, my son William. Mini-me! William was born on September 11, 2006. He was 1LB-14oz. Yes, he was a preemie! William fit in the palm of my hand. My wedding band fit like a hula hoop around his leg. We were encouraged by the medical staff to let him go. The doctor said, “65% of these cases fail.” That’s when my dad, Reverend Clyde jumped up and said, “we believe in a Higher Being! We will go with the 35%!” And I said, “if William is in there fighting, then we’re out here fighting with him!” Our community and beyond prayed for William. Pollard’s Chicken, the restaurant next to my business, put it up on their sign that stands 25 feet in the air. It read, “PRAY FOR BABY WILLIAM!” People all over the world were praying for Baby William. William was in the NICU for 92 days. Some days seemed longer that others. But, praise God, he came home with mommy and daddy. Yes, William is a miracle. But, we’re not here to talk about his birthday and all of his battles along the way. Today, we thank God and we rejoice about one of William’s favorite days on earth….the day he got to meet his hero, Stephen Curry! I am Billy Yancey. God is THE GOAT!
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With Anabo, Billy brings a pioneering approach to fitness and health to the Coastal Virginia area and beyond with his personalized and timed technique. As a business owner, Billy remained confident and resolute in spite of two divorces, two bankruptcies and the mayhem of the COVID pandemic, and has emerged with a thriving enterprise.
He has produced two books. Rocket Fuel, aimed at helping people battle through adversity, especially young adults, and Anabo Nutrition, a step-by-step guide to achieving excellent health using foundational processes. Billy is currently developing a mobile application for Anabo’s fitness levels with his team and will soon launch a vodcast called “Rocket Fuel: Talent Will Only Get You So Far.”