Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women
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Condemnation Vs. Conviction: Win the Mental Body Image Battle

June 19, 2021
00:00 21:24
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If you're battling body image, chances are there are a lot of voices in your head telling you what you should do, making you feel bad for what you did or didn't do, and saying mean things about your body or your behaviors. Today, I dig into the truth that we don't have to believe everything we think. Not all of our thoughts are healthy! Beyond that there are two specific and different thoughts that we need to be able to discern. The first is the Holy Spirit's conviction- this is how the Holy Spirit helps us live a life of freedom in Christ. The Holy Spirit gently convicts us of sin and helps us in many ways. But, the other thoughts that plague us--more of the time--are condemning thoughts. These are not from God and we don't have to listen to them--even if they contain a grain of truth! Learn how to tell the difference between condemnation and conviction in today's episode so that you can win the mental part of your body image battle. Body image issues start in the heart...but we fight them through recognizing that our mind is the battlefield! Listen and learn today!

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Meet Your Host
Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. Her first book Compared to Who? encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and find freedom. Her latest release, The Burden of Better, offers women a journey into the depths of God's grace to find a way off the treadmill of constant comparison. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, and For Every Mom, along with dozens of other shows and podcasts. But she's best recognized for her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric have four children and live in Austin, Texas.

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