Compared to Who? Body Image for Christian Women
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What to Do When Depressed or Grieving Over Body Size Body Image

April 04, 2023
00:00 34:25
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Do you ever just feel sad about your body size or shape? Part of finding body image freedom is recognizing the truth that sometimes you will just feel sad or discouraged about your body. Grieving the lost dream of a "better" body that would "cure" everything or the loss of youth or the loss of the body size or shape you once had is a normal and healthy process. On today's show, Heather looks at what body grief is and offers three suggestions for how to process grief and how to not stay in the pit of body image woe or body depression. 

Today, Heather talks about:

1) The five stages of grief, what they are, and how we move through them, including an explanation of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief.

2) What these stages of grief look like as they relate to our body image issues or adjustment to aging or changing sizes.

3) How being "sober-minded" as scripture instructs, can help us find body image freedom.

4) How Romans 12: 1-3 can help us see our bodies in a different light and help us when we grieve.

5) How Psalm 73 offers us the best cure for any time we feel grieved or sorrow-filled about our bodies (or anything!)

Ready for body image coaching? Reach out to Heather at: heather @ Compared to who (dot) me for more information on how you can get started this month!

Have you read the Burden of Better yet? Start reading here.

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Meet Your Host
Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. Her first book Compared to Who? encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and find freedom. Her latest release, The Burden of Better, offers women a journey into the depths of God's grace to find a way off the treadmill of constant comparison. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, and For Every Mom, along with dozens of other shows and podcasts. But she's best recognized for her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric have four children and live in Austin, Texas.

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