What More Does God Want Me to Do?

July 24, 2024
00:00 06:27
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God is focused on relationship. We tend to be focused on activity. He is the One who tells us to "be still" (Psalm 46:10) and to come to Him and rest (Matthew 11:28). We are the ones who are striving to do more.  

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Full Transcript Below:

What More Does God Want Me to Do? 

by Cindi McMenamin 

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  (Matthew 22:37 NASB) 

Do you ever feel burnt out with all that you’re doing for God? Perhaps your life revolves around ministry or maybe you just wonder sometimes if God’s pleased with you or if you should be doing more. 

We live in a culture focused on doing to the point that busyness is our badge of success and multi-tasking in the church is what appears to others—and ourselves—as ultra-spiritual. But although a relationship with the living God produces a desire to obey Him and serve Him, that service results in joy and rest, not perpetual stress! 

In my book, When Women Long for Rest, I point out that God would rather have us be with Him than do a bunch of things for Him. I see that in Jesus' response to a man who asked Him about the greatest of all the commandments. Jesus' answer was "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." 

God is focused on relationship. We tend to be focused on activity. He is the One who tells us to "be still" (Psalm 46:10) and to come to Him and rest (Matthew 11:28). We are the ones who are striving to do more.  

Yet, as we spend time cultivating a love relationship with God, we will then know how to serve others and we will be able to discern His gentle voice saying, "This is what I have for you" or "Step in and help her with that." But it will never be at the expense of overlooking our primary responsibilities or feeling over-extended. 

Jesus, after all, told His closest followers, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest" (Mark 6:31), not "Let's try to cover even more territory today by working even harder!"

Intersecting Faith and Life: 

If you are caring for young children, or working full time, or someone who constantly has your hands full (and who doesn't these days?), let me remind you of these three principles when it comes to doing more for God:  

  1. Grow in your love for Him and the labor will follow—but in the way He wants, not in the way your guilt determines. As you sit at God’s feet, He will eventually call you to get up and serve Him. But if we aren't taking time to be still, open His Word, and listen for His voice and direction, how can we possibly know how and where we are to serve Him? 
  2. Look for where He is calling you to serve and go where He leads. This is difficult if you tend to be a people-pleaser. Yes, there are Sundays when you may need to help in the church nursery because someone didn't show up and you know it's the right thing to do. But in terms of regular service for the Lord, wait upon God, pray for timing and clarity and walk through the doors that He opens, don't try to pry them open yourself or walk through them out of guilt.
  3. Ministry isn't limited to Sundays. When we think of "doing something" for God, we tend to think of activity in the church building. While each of us in the body of Christ is to exercise our spiritual gifts in a way that uplifts and encourages the rest of the body, that implies connection with a local church where you can be your "part" in the functioning body of Christ. But that doesn't mean that ministry occurs only within a church setting.  Ministry happens anywhere that you are salt and light on this earth and wherever Christ is glorified through you. Your greatest ministry right now may be to support and encourage your spouse or to invest spiritually in the lives of your children. If you have a job outside the church but feel you need to do more inside the church, find that balance so you can still be used effectively no matter where you are. Followers of Christ tend to forget the amazing ministry they can have simply by living next to and working alongside non-believers and continuing to live as followers of Christ. 

Remember, our works and activity for God are not something we do to earn God's favor. Jesus did enough to secure God's forgiveness and acceptance of us when He gave His perfect

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