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Episode 19: How to Be Creative in Your Relationships
February 15, 2022
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Miriam is known as Moses’ sister in the Bible. She loved her brother so much. When her mother Jochebed gave birth to Moses in a time when Hebrew boys under the age of two were being killed by the Pharaoh. In Exodus 2 Jochebed placed baby Moses into a basket while Miriam watched over him to see what would happen. When Pharaoh’s daughter went down to the river to bathe, she discovered the baby and had compassion for him. Miriam creatively asked, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” The daughter of Pharaoh said yes and Miriam went and got her mother.
Then, thankfully her mother was able to have a relationship with Moses in his formative years. His own mother nursed him for royalty even though he could have been dead. Miriam’s creative solution provided a long-term effect on the people of God. Because she pointed Pharaoh’s daughter to Jochebed, this allowed Moses’ birth mother to teach him the ways of the Hebrews and form a foundation for him in the faith. This would later carry into his adulthood as he would lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
God uses our creativity. He often gives us creative thoughts to be cultivated for His glory in the midst of hard situations. Miriam thought if her mother could not be present for all of Moses’ life, that she could certainly nurse him and love on him while he was young. Her creativity expanded a relationship and gave them greater influence over the life of Moses, the future leader of their people.
Maybe there is a relationship that you are having to creatively fight for? Perhaps there is a barrier between you and someone else because of culture or distance, etc. Remember that we surrender our ideas to God and present them, seeing how He will use them.
Key Bible Passage:
1 Thessalonians 3:12 says, “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”
Call to Action:
-What is a relationship in your life that you need to tap into creativity to help grow?
-How can you be creative in this relationship?
-Is there a relationship that you need to fight for creatively?
-What steps can you take to build and love this person well?
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Then, thankfully her mother was able to have a relationship with Moses in his formative years. His own mother nursed him for royalty even though he could have been dead. Miriam’s creative solution provided a long-term effect on the people of God. Because she pointed Pharaoh’s daughter to Jochebed, this allowed Moses’ birth mother to teach him the ways of the Hebrews and form a foundation for him in the faith. This would later carry into his adulthood as he would lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
God uses our creativity. He often gives us creative thoughts to be cultivated for His glory in the midst of hard situations. Miriam thought if her mother could not be present for all of Moses’ life, that she could certainly nurse him and love on him while he was young. Her creativity expanded a relationship and gave them greater influence over the life of Moses, the future leader of their people.
Maybe there is a relationship that you are having to creatively fight for? Perhaps there is a barrier between you and someone else because of culture or distance, etc. Remember that we surrender our ideas to God and present them, seeing how He will use them.
Key Bible Passage:
1 Thessalonians 3:12 says, “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”
Call to Action:
-What is a relationship in your life that you need to tap into creativity to help grow?
-How can you be creative in this relationship?
-Is there a relationship that you need to fight for creatively?
-What steps can you take to build and love this person well?
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Emma Danzey loves to serve the Lord and create community in a variety of ways. Emma and her husband Drew serve with CRU at USC Upstate in Spartanburg, South Carolina. As the host of the Her Many Hats podcast and as a writer for Crosswalk and Bible Study Tools, Emma’s mission is to encourage women everywhere to embrace the extraordinary. You can connect with her more on her blog at