Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg
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Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg and Dr. Carl Moeller
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times Bestselling Author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics. Joel and co-host Carl Moeller (Executive Director of The Joshua Fund) will discuss current events worthy of prayer or praise to the Lord and how they relate to end times prophecy.
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A Pastor's Tale of Faith and Service #207
August 22, 2024 - 39 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we delve into the stories and struggles of those at the center of the world’s greatest conflicts. In this episode, we sit down with Pastor Israel Iluz, a remarkable Israeli pastor serving on the Lebanon border amidst escalating tension with Hezbollah. He shares his congregation’s challenges, including a recent missile strike on their church. We also learn about his son’s extraordinary response to the crisis and the powerful impact of their meal operation. Pastor Illuz also opens up about his journey from questioning his faith to finding new hope and purpose in the teachings of Yeshua. Join us as we explore the complex reality of life in the Epicenter and the inspiring resilience of those who serve amid chaos.   (00:03) Israeli pastor faces challenges in war-torn Lebanon. (07:50) Finding purpose through opening a restaurant in Israel. (12:47) Sharing love and passion with Jewish people. (14:50) Moving stories on church destruction and retreat. (19:56) Prayer requests for Israeli pastors. (21:13) Pray for Palestinians, hostages, and ministry leaders. (31:29) Questioning Christian hatred of Jews leads to discovery. (34:18) Struggling with faith, seeking guidance and acceptance. (37:45) Endured pain, found grace, returned home to Israel.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day Psalm 127:1 - Unless the Lord builds the house, the builder's labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.  Prayer RequestPray for pastors, including pastor Israel Eluz and his family and other Israeli pastors, both Jewish and Arab in the north, but all over Israel, who are trying to serve faithfully, teach the word of God, share the good news of Yeshua, disciple, counsel, and encourage in a time of war and discouragement and even depression for many, many Israelis. Related Episodes The Escalating Conflict: Inside Israel and the Rescue Mission's #188 Fighting for Freedom: Inside the Israeli Hostage Crisis with Calev Myers #186 Life Near the Israeli-Lebanon Border #185 What it’s Like to Walk Through a War Zone in Gaza #184 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Why Jewish Israelis are Asking about Jesus & Eternal Life #206
August 20, 2024 - 23 min
Today, Joel delves into the captivating and timely topic of Jewish Israelis seeking answers about Jesus and eternal life. The hosts are joined by guest Victor Kalisher, head of the Israeli Bible Society and a prominent figure in the messianic Jewish community. As the discussion unfolds, listeners are immersed in a deep exploration of the significance of the resurrection, the increasing openness among Jewish people towards spiritual matters, and the societal shifts influencing this openness. Through conversations at the historic garden tomb in Jerusalem, the episode unveils personal stories and powerful insights surrounding faith, hope, and the profound impact of the resurrection narrative. Join Joel and Victor as they navigate the compelling dynamics of faith and spirituality in Israel, offering a unique and enlightening perspective on the quest for truth and the enduring hope of eternal life. Tune in as they candidly address the questions and curiosities of Jewish Israelis, providing a profound and compelling narration of personal and cultural significance.     (00:02) Israelis wrestling with life, death, and faith. (05:48) The New Testament is honest about the disciples’ failures. (07:28) Resurrection as God’s act, personal encouragement. (10:28) Teen memories of computerized artwork at the mall. (14:59) People use tools in media to share faith. (16:39) Improved religious tolerance in Israel over time. (22:33) Podcast seeks feedback on Jewish people’s search. (23:19) Joel Rosenberg, thanks for listening to the episode.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day John 17:3 - Now this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  Prayer Request Pray for Israeli Jews seeking the truth about Jesus and the eternal life that he brings, that they will find it.Pray that more people around the world will come to know the importance of sharing the gospel with Jewish people.   Related Episodes One Million Jewish Followers of Jesus #94 God's Chosen People: Scriptural Evidence and Modern Realities in Jewish and Christian Communities #106 The Role of Local Believers in Israel #152 Unveiling the Growing Messianic Movement in Israel #201 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Is the War in Gaza Tied to End Times Bible Prophecy? #205
August 15, 2024 - 23 min
Today, we focus on the ongoing war in Gaza and its possible connection to the End Times Bible prophecy. Joel Rosenberg sheds light on the historical and biblical significance of Gaza, provides updates on the current war, and shares how Christians can support both Israelis and Palestinians during this critical hour. The episode delves into the urgency of prayer, the role of media, and the need for understanding the deep-rooted issues in the region. Tune in to gain a comprehensive understanding of the war in Gaza and its relevance to biblical prophecies. (00:03) Christians are concerned about Gaza, the end times prophecy. (06:29) Media war on Israel, evangelical Christian journalism crucial. (08:14) Shift in Gaza perception, help through donations. (11:39) Gaza is mentioned 20 times in the Bible. (15:51) Man learns about and accepts Jesus as Messiah. (18:47) Former terrorist's transformation encourages prayer for peace. (20:32) Psalm 83 predicts conflict in the Middle East. (23:42) Psalm 83: Hatred for God, prayer for justice. (26:58) Podcast on Gaza war, end times prophecies. Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Tprovided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day Psalm 23:4. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  Prayer Request Pray for all the families affected by the war in Gaza that God will comfort them and provide for them. Pray for the leaders of Israel at every level that they will be strengthened to take action against evil.   Related Episodes Israel’s Prophetic Journey #171 Power and Purpose of Prophecy #157 The Bible Prophecy Project #155 2023: Biblical Prophecy & The War in Israel #147 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Can Israel Achieve Victory? #204
August 13, 2024 - 24 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we dive into thought-provoking conversations about the Middle East and how it impacts the world. In this episode, host Joel Rosenberg delves into a fascinating discussion with guest Daniel Pipes, author of “Israel Victory.” They explore the concept of achieving true victory and total defeat in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, drawing parallels to historical events and examining the current geopolitical landscape. From the impact of nuclear weapons to the challenges of Gaza, they tackle complex issues with depth and insight. Join us as we unravel the complexities of this enduring conflict and seek to understand potential pathways toward peace and stability in the region.   (00:04) Palestinians need more time to prepare for peace and avoid costly offerings. (06:16) Impression of US foreign policy and conflicts. (09:26) Prayer requests for peace in Israel and the region. (12:39) Historian advocates Israel's victory for peace. (16:32) Choose between hostages or total victory, Prime Minister. (18:16) Advocates for Israel's victory and propaganda focus. (22:01) Support Joshua Fund at, prayerfully and financially. (23:54) Joshua Fund founder Bill Rosemar expresses gratitude.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Tprovided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 20:4. For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.  Prayer Request Pray that the God of Israel will bring peace to Israel and that more and more Israelis will understand how to return their hearts, our hearts, to the Lord, back to his word.  Pray that God would reestablish geopolitical peace, not just spiritual peace, but geopolitical calm and quiet between Israelis and Palestinians.  Pray for all of the political players and leaders in Israel and among the Palestinians. Pray that a new, fresh wind will blow through the region and that there will be a new opportunity for peace. Related Episodes: Israeli Recounts CHILLING Oct. 7 Survival Story #199 Ghaith Al-Omari - Exploring Hope, Reform, and Compassion #197 Insights into Israel's Two-State Solution Challenges #195 The Escalating Conflict: Inside Israel and the Rescue Mission's #188 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Rising Tensions and Targeted Assassinations #203
August 8, 2024 - 36 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter. In today's episode, we'll be diving deep into the potential for a regional war involving Israel, Iran, and various terror organizations. Recent assassinations of top leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah have heightened tensions, with Iran threatening massive retaliation against Israel. Speculations and reports have emerged regarding the possible involvement of Israel in the assassinations, leading to concerns about a potential war. Join us as Joel Rosenberg discusses the precarious situation and highlights the need for prayer and support for humanitarian efforts in the region. Stay tuned for the latest updates and insights on this evolving crisis. (00:04) Special report from Washington Dulles Airport, Europe. (09:20) Hamas leader Mohammed Def killed in airstrike. (11:19) Fawad Shukra and Ismael Haniya were assassinated in airstrikes. (14:12) Masterminds planned and executed the attack—Hamas leadership. (17:37) Diplomatic security systems, leaders' stays, intelligence monitoring. (21:45) Suspicions of explosives were planted in Ismail Haniya's suite. (23:30) Assassinations of top leaders prompt Iranian retaliation. (27:59) God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants. (31:50) Jesus, as a shepherd, brings comfort to Israel.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Tprovided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day: Genesis 12:1-3- Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.  And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Prayer Request: Pray that people will give generously to the work of the Joshua Fund as we continue to provide humanitarian relief to the poor and the needy, to victims of war and terror, or to provide counseling to victims of war and terror. Related Episodes: Can Hamas Be Defeated? #196 Israeli Efforts to Dismantle Hamas and Free Hostage #189 The Escalating Conflict: Inside Israel and the Rescue Mission's #188 Iran's Attack on Israel: Unpacking the Implications with Joel Rosenberg #179 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Partner Highlight: Israeli Special Needs Ministry and Biblical Counseling #202
August 6, 2024 - 57 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we explore compelling stories from the frontlines of faith and ministry. In today's episode, we are joined by the inspiring Lillian and Sasha Granovsky, ministry leaders in Israel. Their journey has taken them from searching for spiritual truth to founding an impactful ministry that supports special needs individuals and their families. Join us as we delve into their experiences with biblical counseling, the challenges faced by families in times of war, and the cultural shifts in seeking psychological help within the Israeli community. Prepare for a thought-provoking and heartwarming discussion that sheds light on the power of faith, resilience, and community support.   (04:25) Love for special Israeli heroes in adversity. (07:01) Grateful for trained biblical counselors in Israel. (10:25) Seeking help for life's challenges is normal. (14:56) Counseling helps with trust issues during the war. (18:14) Facing uncertainty, faith brings challenging questions. (21:08) David's hope and trust in God. (25:36) English speakers in Israel experience loneliness and isolation. (26:54) Longing and hardship during service in the war. (31:26) Men in the congregation share emotions, which is a helpful exercise. (35:24) Pray for Karnovsky's and Makom Belev's ministry. (42:30) Vision for enriching the lives of young adults. (48:22) The Grace of God transformed our difficult journey. (52:02) Spiritual search with Jillian led to integration.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Tprovided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day: Isaiah 35:34. Strengthen the weak ends, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who have an anxious heart, be strong, fear not. Prayer Request: Pray for Sasha and Lillian that the Lord would give them the grace, the wisdom, the physical and emotional strength to keep going.Pray for the ministry of Makom Belev that it can grow and expand because there are quite a few differently-abled and special needs people in Israel, as in every country. Related Episodes: Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170 The Importance of Ministering to Women and Children #166 The Role of Local Believers in Israel #152 How Evangelical NGOs Are Caring For Israelis Devastated By War & Terror #148 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Unveiling the Growing Messianic Movement in Israel #201
August 1, 2024 - 13 min
Welcome to this episode of Inside The Epicenter. We delve into the growing messianic movement in Israel with a special conversation featuring Victor Kalisher, the head of the Israeli Bible Society. Growing up as a first-generation believer in the land, Victor shares his unique experiences and insights with Joel Rosenberg as they explore the challenges and triumphs of the messianic movement in Israel. Tune in for a deep dive into the significance of the Psalms in unlocking prophecy.   (00:03) Thousands visit the garden tomb for religious reasons. (06:39) Seeking and receiving two signs from God. (08:06) Passover and Shavuot symbolize spiritual freedom. (10:53) Thankful for investment in local believers.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Tprovided by DimmySad/Pond5     Verse of the Day: Luke chapter 24:45. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures.   Prayer Request: Pray that the hearts of Jews are open to the gospel message of Jesus. Pray that the war with Hamas is quickly resolved and that those whose lives have been disrupted can get back to living their lives in peace.   Related Episodes: Courage, Support, and Gratitude with Joel & Lynn Rosenberg #194 The #1 Question Israelis Are Asking Today #193 How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182 Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Netanyahu's Speech and the U.S.-Israel Alliance #200
July 30, 2024 - 48 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter! In today's episode, we dive into the high-stakes world of international politics, focusing on the relationship between the United States and Israel. Host Joel Rosenberg welcomes Robert Satloff, Executive Director of the Washington Institute For Near East Policy, to discuss the implications of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's historic speech to the U.S. Congress. They explore the tensions and alliances that have shaped the delicate balance in the Middle East while also delving into the current Gaza war and the internal dynamics of US-Israel relations. Join us as we uncover the significance of Netanyahu’s speech, the reactions it sparked within the U.S. political landscape, and the potential impact on the region’s future. Stay tuned for an insightful and thought-provoking conversation!   (03:27) Netanyahu's historic address to the joint session. (07:19) High security for the state of the union. (10:47) Netanyahu's record addresses Congress, longevity, and admiration. (16:08) Biden is seen as pro-Israel, bipartisan support. (19:36) Emotional encounter with hostages and unexpected meeting. (20:43) Netanyahu discusses the US-Israel alliance and its objectives. (30:23) Main takeaways: Abraham alliance, demilitarization, deradicalization, congressional address. (32:11) The Prime Minister used a bipartisanship approach toward the US. (36:07) Netanyahu's speech was seen as politically strategic. (40:05) Hamas seeks ceasefire, uncertain fate of leader. (42:37) Question about VP Harris' views on Israel. (43:57) Biden is a strong Israel supporter in history.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day: Psalm 121:1-2. I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Our prayer requests today are for Israel, of course.  Prayer Request:Pray for Israel and her allies, that God would help us, would help them in this season to stand strong together. Let's pray specifically for the US-Israel alliance. Please pray that God continues to use and help the United States truly and consistently stand in support of Israel in this difficult time, not to neglect or be unkind or uncompassionate towards Palestinians, but to stand with Israel as a sovereign nation and, of course, advance peace, but also advance security.    Related Episodes: Ghaith Al-Omari - Exploring Hope, Reform, and Compassion #197 Can Hamas Be Defeated? #196 Insights into Israel's Two-State Solution Challenges #195 How to Show Love and Support for Israel and Her Neighbors #182 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Israeli Recounts CHILLING Oct. 7 Survival Story #199
July 25, 2024 - 30 min
Welcome to another episode of Inside the Epicenter, where we bring you stories of resilience and survival amid challenging events. In today's episode, we hear from an Israeli survivor who recounts a chilling experience on October 7th. What started as an ordinary evening at a kibbutz turned into a harrowing ordeal when the kibbutz came under attack by Hamas terrorists. The survivor, along with their family, sought refuge in a safe room as the situation escalated. We'll hear about their shock and reliance on God and community during the chaos, and the remarkable events that unfolded in their home, which became a shelter for 40 people. As the story unfolds, we'll learn about the role of the survivor's parents, the challenges they faced on their way to rescue their family, and the acts of bravery and unity in the face of danger. Join us as we listen to this powerful account of survival and gratitude, with a connection to biblical references and a reminder of the ongoing conflict in the region. So, sit back, relax, and prepare for a captivating and emotional journey inside the epicenter.   (00:03) Conflict with Gaza, rockets hit, no protection. (03:57) Surrounding gunfire near Gaza and Israel raises alarm. (06:25) Difficult moment, trapped without food or light. (11:40) Parents teaching daughters to have complete faith. (12:50) Small group of young Israeli border patrol officers deployed. (18:29) Soldiers rescue the wounded, and mom rushes to the hospital. (21:18) A Familiar neighbor becomes part of the military tragedy. (23:02) Father arrives at the kibbutz amid gunfire. (26:18) The Neighbor's husband disappeared, wife desperately seeks information. Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day: Isaiah chapter 43:2. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee. When thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned. Neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.    Prayer Request: Pray for miraculous deliverance for those who find themselves in dangerous situations in the ongoing Hamas war. Pray that this war with Hamas is quickly resolved and that those whose lives have been disrupted can get back to living their lives in peace   Related Episodes: Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178 Israeli Efforts to Dismantle Hamas and Free Hostage #189 The Escalating Conflict: Inside Israel and the Rescue Mission's #188 Fighting for Freedom: Inside the Israeli Hostage Crisis with Calev Myers #186 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Inspiring Stories of Muslims' Transformative Encounters with Jesus and Embracing Christianity #198
July 23, 2024 - 33 min
Welcome to "Inside The Epicenter," where we delve into the remarkable stories of faith and transformation in the Middle East. In today's episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with Tom and JoAnn Doyle, who have witnessed incredible movements of Muslims turning to Jesus Christ. Tom shares his journey from giving up religion to witnessing others finding new life in Jesus, while JoAnn recounts powerful stories of women facing persecution and finding strength through faith. From encounters with Jesus in visions to the impact of sharing personal testimonies, these stories will inspire and challenge you. Join us as we explore the importance of prayer, former Muslims' courage, and The Joshua Fund's incredible work in supporting the local church. Get ready to be moved and encouraged as we uncover the extraordinary work of God in the Middle East. (00:04) The Joshua Fund educates on God's movement.(05:19) Seven men in prison for loving Jesus.(07:09) Story of Hanan, Syrian war, Jordan conference.(10:41) Secret ministry in Europe helps Iranian believers.(13:55) Tom, share stories, prayers, and faith experiences.(19:12) Witnessing people's generosity and faith brings joy.(22:20) A Woman in a difficult situation finds Christ's light.(23:17) Woman hears gospel, embraces faith, hides Bible.(28:40) Prayer for women's spiritual influence in the Muslim world.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Related Episodes:Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177Family Sees Miracles after Tragic Bombing #145Embracing Jesus' Love in the Middle East #121Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #90What do Muslims Believe About Jesus, and Is This Changing? #56 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Hosts
Meet Your Hosts
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times bestselling author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics.
Meet Your Hosts
Dr. Carl Moeller is the Executive Director of The Joshua Fund. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Penn State, a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Utah.
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