Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg
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Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg and Dr. Carl Moeller
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times Bestselling Author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics. Joel and co-host Carl Moeller (Executive Director of The Joshua Fund) will discuss current events worthy of prayer or praise to the Lord and how they relate to end times prophecy.
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Families' Heart-Wrenching Pleas: Inside the Hostage Crisis with Hamas #178
April 16, 2024 - 18 min
In this emotionally charged episode of Inside The Epicenter, with Dr. Carl Moeller and Joel Rosenberg, we hear the heart-wrenching stories of families impacted by the brutal capture of hostages by Hamas. The podcast brings to light the experiences of parents and siblings of the captured individuals, shedding light on the deep trauma and uncertainty they face daily. This episode paints a poignant picture of the pain, despair, and unwavering hope of these families as negotiations continue to secure the release of their loved ones. Tune in as these families share their personal stories and as they plead for international support in their fight for the safe return of the hostages. (00:05) Special program focusing on Gaza hostages' plight.(05:09) Texting in the safe room, protecting kids and gunshots.(07:17) Hamas video shows brother in hostage situation.(11:02) He came with friends, split, went wrong.(16:24) Urgent plea for media support in Israel. Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: Psalm 20:1 -May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble. May the name of the God of Jacob protect you. Prayer Request:Pray that the hostages held by Hamas will be protected and brought home soon.Pray that the negotiations with Hamas will yield positive results and that all the hostages will be released.   Related Episodes:Special Update: Israel at War #127Joel's Terrifying Experience and the Power of God's Protection #132The Media’s War on Israel #136Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Reaching Muslims Through Love and the Gospel #177
April 9, 2024 - 69 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter! In this insightful episode, Hormoz Shariat and Tom Doyle share their expertise on effectively reaching Muslims with the gospel. They discuss the barriers hindering Muslims from embracing Christianity, such as fear and the historical baggage of Christianity. Join us as they delve into the crucial role of love, acceptance, and joyful Christian lifestyles in attracting Muslims to Christ. From personal stories of conversion to practical strategies and gospel presentations, our guests shed light on the powerful impact of reaching out to the Muslim community with compassion and dedication. Tune in as we explore the transformative journeys of Muslims coming to faith and the vital importance of love and acceptance in sharing the gospel. (00:05) Addressing the spread of Islam, sharing the gospel.(09:54) Muslims hungry for God become dedicated believers.(12:44) Former Muslims find meaning in Christianity's love.(18:34) Muslims feel rejected in society in Middle Eastern encounters.(22:08) Muslims come to Christ through love teaching.(31:17) Verse from Romans 8 and prayer requests.(33:34) The leader prays for a miracle, boy's leukemia disappears.(39:34) Expressing belief in Christ's deity through the gospel.(45:33) Muslim offense over the Bible, and Christians should reach out sincerely.(47:59) Fearful man overcomes fear and finds Christ.(57:14) The Bible's warning about rejecting Jesus and conversions.(59:03) Simplified gospel invitation: Believe in Jesus, be born again.(01:06:17) Warning against equating man to God.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day:  Romans 8:15 - The spirit you received does not make you slaves so that you live in fear. Again, rather the spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship, and by him we cry, Abba, Father.  Prayer Request: Pray that the hearts of more Christians would be open to sharing the gospel of Jesus with their Muslim neighbors.Pray that Muslims in the US, the Middle East, and around the world are introduced to Jesus through the Christian witness around them that their hearts would be open to receive him as Savior.   Related Episodes:From Jihadist to Follower of Jesus #165How to Make God’s Love Visible in the Middle East #112Inside The Forbidden Kingdom of Saudi Arabia #93Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #90 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Modern Security Threats for the US, Israel, and the World #175
March 28, 2024 - 26 min
In this episode of "Inside The Epicenter," Joel Rosenberg, General William Boykin, and Mike Macintosh dive into a panel discussion on the modern security threats facing the US and Israel. The conversation touches on topics such as the implications of terrorist threats, the potential aftermath of a nuclear attack, the global economic crisis, and the role of the US in a new world order. General Boykin also shares a powerful personal account of a rescue mission in Iran, highlighting the incredible impact of faith and divine intervention. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of biblical prophecies and the current situation in Damascus, offering a unique blend of geopolitical analysis and spiritual insight. Tune in for a compelling, insightful dialogue on these important and timely issues.   (00:00) Rising threat of dirty bombs and nuclear weapons. (06:54) Iran's nuclear program poses a potential military threat. (10:45) Israel's land expansion and potential war risks. (13:10) Threat of the Persian Gulf oil shutdown is concerning. (15:59) Delta Force mission to rescue Americans in Iran. (21:01) Possible events during tribulation and Armageddon. Spread of the gospel in the Muslim world. (23:34) President requests film premiere at exclusive opera. (25:26) Panel discussion on the US, Israel, and biblical insights.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: 1st Chronicles 12:32 - From Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do, 200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command. And our prayer requests today are, number 1, pray for the leaders in Israel and the Middle East that they come to know the Lord. And secondly, pray that every threat concocted by the enemy against God's people will fail. Prayer Request:Pray for the leaders in Israel and the Middle East that they come to know the Lord.Pray that every threat concocted by the enemy against God's people will fail.   Related Episodes:How to Use Military Strategies for Spiritual Battles #173Is Psalm 83 about the War in Gaza? #134What It’s Like Living in a Missile Zone #126How to Avoid Another Surprise Attack #125 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Inside the Mind of Natan Sharansky: Struggle Against Anti-Semitism and the Quest for Freedom #174
March 26, 2024 - 36 min
In this captivating episode of "Inside The Epicenter," we delve into the personal story of Natan Sharansky, a remarkable individual whose life has been shaped by resistance, resilience, and the fight for freedom. From confronting anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union to his time as a political prisoner, Sharansky's experiences offer profound insights into the struggle for human rights and the universal yearning for liberty. Join host Carl Moeller as he explores Sharansky's remarkable journey, encounters with Vladimir Putin, and reflections on the current geopolitical landscape. From the enduring legacy of Ronald Reagan to the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this episode is a thought-provoking exploration of history, ideology, and the pursuit of justice. Tune in as Natan Sharansky shares his compelling narrative, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs that define our world today. (00:05) Becoming head of Jewish Agency after release.(04:54) Struggle to make the West understand Soviet society.(07:22) Opposition, imprisonment, and eventual release from captivity.(10:02) Widespread anti-Semitism manipulated by a totalitarian regime.(15:30) Criticism of Israel links to anti-Semitism.(17:13) Resigned over land for terrorist cooperation with Arafat.(19:53) Met Putin, complimented interrogation skills, avoided meetings.(23:01) Talking about an established and enduring system with media control.(26:02) Unhappy citizens, testing West, conquered Crimea, war.(31:17) Jewish man's journey to religious activism.(32:50) Shared cell, fought for religious texts, Reagan readings.  Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: Matthew 19:26 - Jesus looked at them and said, with man, this is impossible, but with god, all things are possible.  Prayer Request:Pray that God continues to deliver Israel from all media attacks and misinformation.Pray that God grants people in Israel and the Middle East the grace to navigate difficult times and emerge victorious. Related Episodes:Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170The Danger of Russia and Iran's Alliance #169Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168Understanding the War of Gog and Magog: Unveiling the End Times Prophecy #159 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How to Use Military Strategies for Spiritual Battles #173
March 21, 2024 - 42 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we delve into the intersection of faith, current events, and practical application. In today's episode, our host, Carl Moeller, is joined by special guest, General William Boykin as they explore the concept of spiritual warfare and biblical weapons. General Boykin draws parallels between military strategies and spiritual battles, emphasizing the need for unity, staying focused on objectives, and taking the offensive in spreading the gospel. With insights from historical and biblical examples, he challenges listeners to actively engage in the spiritual battle and not underestimate the enemy. Join us as we uncover powerful principles that apply to the military and our individual and collective spiritual responsibilities.   (06:14) Facing spiritual warfare with God's powerful armor. (08:57) Warfare and principles of war in organizations. (13:20) Stay focused on God's call and avoid distractions. (15:42) Preparation and prayer are crucial in spiritual warfare. (23:17) Agile maneuver at the Battle of Gettysburg saved the Union. (28:44) Unity under God, forgiveness for bad theology. (32:08) Cavalry guards, security vital for spiritual leaders. (36:49) Silently pray, keep plans simple, maintain secrecy. (38:00) Clear communication is crucial for success in ministry. (41:22) Enemy has no power compared to God. Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: Exodus chapter 15:3. The Lord is a warrior. The Lord is his name.  Prayer Request:Pray that more people will be given to prayer and intercession and are willing to stand for the epicenter, the Middle East and churches around the world. Pray for leaders of churches and leaders of nations that God protects them from the onslaught of the devil. Related Episodes:Best-Selling Novels, US Threats & Bible Prophecy #109Israel & America’s Greatest Threat #912022: End Times Prophecy & Russia #84Danger Ahead? The War Scheme Of Iran & Apocalyptic Islam #50Is Iran Plotting 2nd Holocaust Against Israel? #49 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Why Did Joel Move to Israel? #172
March 19, 2024 - 87 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we bring you deep insights into the latest geopolitical events, biblical prophecy, and the impact on individuals and families. In this episode, our host, Joel Rosenberg delves into the complexities of moving to Israel and living in the epicenter of historical and biblical significance. He discusses the practical challenges and emotional journey of relocating to Israel, sharing personal experiences and insights from his life. Additionally, Joel provides a unique perspective on the humanitarian and political landscape in Israel, emphasizing the biblical significance of the country and its role in the fulfillment of prophecy. He shares thought-provoking views on the fullness of the Gentiles during the tribulation, the increase in Jewish believers in Jesus, and the potential future relationship with Israel's neighbors. Join us as we explore the intersection of faith, politics, and prophecy and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and blessings of living in Israel. This episode offers a rare glimpse into the personal experiences and reflections of those who have made the journey to the heart of biblical history.   (00:05) Jews return due to threats. (05:42) French Jews immigrating to Israel amid antisemitism. (15:18) Potential Jewish migration to Israel amid adversity. (22:18) Israel has about 35,000 Jewish born-again believers. (28:26) Rapture leads to Jews coming to faith. (32:36) Creation of Israel was previously unthinkable, miraculous. (39:23) Supporting and defending Israel is crucial. (43:20) Emphasizing the importance of Israel in Christianity. (53:47) Saudi reforms and peace efforts with Israel. (58:59) Successful transition from politician to bestselling author. (01:00:26) Curiosity about prophecies and practical eschatology. (01:11:23) Importance of humanitarian relief, thoughtful communication, biblical truth. (01:16:09) Great commission to reach every person worldwide.     Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day: Matthew 28:19—Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Prayer Request:Pray that more people will be open to coming to Israel and willing to experience Israel, give to Israel, and respond to the needs in Israel. Pray for ministers and families serving in Israel, that they would be strengthened, protected, and provided for. Related Episodes:Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168Transforming Lives Through Women's Ministry in Israel #115The Joshua Fund’s Origin Story #107 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Israel’s Prophetic Journey #171
March 14, 2024 - 69 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we dive deep into thought-provoking discussions about faith, history, and the unfolding of biblical prophecies. In today's episode, we take a fascinating journey with Pastor John MacArthur as he shares timeless insights on Israel, biblical prophecy, and theological perspectives. He emphasizes the literal promises of God to Israel and explores historical events, biblical passages, and the significance of Israel's spiritual and physical restoration. Join us as we unravel deep theological roots, challenge misconceptions, and gain a renewed understanding of God's love for all nations, with a unique focus on the enduring significance of national Israel. (01:33) Pastor John talks about his background. (07:09) Zeal to proclaim the truth about Israel's significance. (15:13) Theology, antisemitism, and amillennialism's historical implications. (20:05) God activates salvation, expands work, and will redeem. (25:16) Jerusalem and weeping over rejection of prophets. (28:09) Some argue modern Israel lacks necessary repentance. (37:15) Encouraging reformed theologians to reconsider their eschatology. (40:16) Reformation led to Gospel reaffirmation doctrinal gaps. (46:32) Following leaders, diligent in gospel detail, dismissive eschatology. (57:09) Misunderstanding of God's love for Israel. (01:00:37) Sending people to the Arab world, strengthening churches. (01:06:44) Exposition of scripture is essential for balanced preaching.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: Romans 11:26 - And in this way, all Israel will be saved. As it is written, the deliverer will come from Zion. He will turn godlessness away from Jacob. Prayer Request:Pray for Israel, that the peace of God would reign in Israel and that they would prosper continually.Pray for the church that they would keep growing in correct understanding of Israel and that they would increase their support for Israel. Related Episodes:The Significance of Joel's Message for Today's Generation #156Trusting God in Times of Crisis #151Family Sees Miracles after Tragic Bombing #145The Abraham Accords, peace deals, and prosperity #113 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Christians Blessing Israel: How and Why? #170
March 11, 2024 - 28 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter, where we delve deep into the heart of faith, geopolitics, and their intersection in the Middle East. This episode takes us on an extraordinary journey through the complexities of faith and ministry in Israel. Joel Rosenberg shares about the biblical imperative to bless Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus. He also reflects on impactful encounters, controversies faced, and the remarkable opportunity to share the message of Jesus with influential figures in the United States and Israel. Join us for a thought-provoking and spiritually enriching episode as we explore the intersection of faith, geopolitics, and the Gospel's advancement in the Holy Land. Jesus cares for their hometown despite bad memories. We don't want credit, Jesus is jealous. Wind signals spiritual revival. Concern for America's future; prayer for an ally. Dispute over identity and personal attacks escalate. Appreciating political and social freedom; faith questioned. Access to religious knowledge through online platforms. Discussion on being Jewish and belief in Jesus.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5     Verse of the Day:  Hosea 11:1. When Israel was a child, I loved him. And out of Egypt, I called my son.  Prayer Request:Pray that God provides various means and ideas for many people as they reach out to support and stand with Israel. And second, Pray that more Jewish people come to know Jesus as Messiah and accept him into their lives. Related Episodes:Why Is Jesus So Controversial Among The Jewish People? #14Why Do Evangelicals Love Israel and the Jewish People? #16How Can The Church Bless Israel & Her Neighbors? #28This Jew Believes In Jesus #64 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Danger of Russia and Iran's Alliance #169
March 7, 2024 - 22 min
Welcome to Inside The Epicenter with Joel Rosenberg. In this episode, we dive deep into the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and the implications of a Russia-Iran alliance with guest Gideon Sa’ar, a minister in the Israeli government. Gideon Sa’ar is a prominent Israeli politician and member of the Likud party. He has been a strong advocate for Israel's security and has emphasized the importance of decisively dealing with threats to the country.  The discussion covers the dangers and consequences of this alliance, the significance of world leaders understanding the challenge, the importance of unity in the face of war, and the impact on Israel's security and global alliances. Sa’ar also shares insights on U.S.-Israel relations and calls evangelical Christians to stand with Israel in this critical time. Tune in for a fascinating and sobering look at the geopolitical landscape and the prophetic implications of the evolving alliance. (00:05) "Consequences of Russia-Iran alliance on Israel" (04:53) Israel will prevail in decisively destroying threats. (09:10) War in Ukraine has built the Russian-Iranian axis. (10:22) Verse of the day: Micah 7:8, prayer requests. (13:52) Protecting their life sometimes necessitates civil casualties. (18:13) Putin aligns with Iran and Hamas militarily. (20:21) Evangelicals urged to approach Bible prophecy wisely.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5   Verse of the Day:  Micah chapter 7:8. Rejoice not over me, oh my enemy. When I fall, I shall rise. When I sit in darkness, the lord will be a light to me.  Prayer Request:Pray for the people of Israel and the leaders that god will comfort them and give them the wisdom to deal with the attacks against the nation of Israel. Pray for families affected by the ongoing war and unrest in the nation of Israel that they might be comforted. Related Episodes:Danger Ahead? The War Scheme Of Iran & Apocalyptic Islam #50The Russian-Iranian-Turkish Alliance of Ezekiel 38 & 39 (The War of Gog & Magog) #18Former Muslim Brings Entire Iranian Family to Christ #902022: End Times Prophecy & Russia #84 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Uniting Christians and Jews: A Spiritual Journey in Israel with Tatiana Mazarsky and Albert Veksler #168
March 5, 2024 - 33 min
Welcome to "Inside The Epicenter" with Joel Rosenberg and Carl Moeller. In this episode, we delve into Israel's complex and fascinating world with insights from Albert Veksler and Tatiana Mazarski. From discussions on the re-election of a prime minister and the Jerusalem embassy decision to the experiences of those who have journeyed to Israel, we explore the deep spiritual and political connections to this historic land. Stay tuned as we unravel the threads of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, the ongoing challenges, and the hopes for a modern and free Israel. Join us as we take a closer look at the epicenter of it all in this thought-provoking episode. (00:07) Tatiana helps establish people in Israel support organizations. (05:37) Global events showcase unity between Jews and Christians. (07:10) Netherlands Railway pays reparations to Jewish people. (13:20) Meeting in Australia, prayers, love from afar. (15:40) Jewish persecution led Russian Jews to Israel. (19:22) Criticize if you're unhappy, face consequences. (24:25) Attacks on Christians in Jerusalem spark concern.   Learn more about The Joshua Fund. Make a tax-deductible donation. The Joshua Fund Stock Media provided by DimmySad/Pond5 Verse of the Day: 1st Thessalonians 5 17 to 18. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  Prayer Request:Pray that the hold of religion over Israel is broken and that they come to Christ Jesus in numbers.Pray for Israeli leaders that they continue to make godly decisions that favor the growth of Israel economically and spiritually while keeping her militarily strong. Related Episodes:Building God's Church Together: We Are Living Stones and End Times Signs #164Israel's Fate in the Last Days of Human History #163The Role of Local Believers in Israel #152Trusting God in Times of Crisis #151How Evangelical NGOs Are Caring For Israelis Devastated By War & Terror #148 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Hosts
Meet Your Hosts
Joel C. Rosenberg is a New York Times bestselling author & Middle East expert. He has spent 20 years bringing a uniquely Biblical view on the Epicenter; this podcast will share insights from his private meetings with presidents, prime ministers, kings, and clerics.
Meet Your Hosts
Dr. Carl Moeller is the Executive Director of The Joshua Fund. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Penn State, a Master of Divinity from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of Utah.
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