Jesus Is All We Need Podcast with Jason Sautel
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Strength, Resilience, and Faith: The Power of Overcoming Life's Tragedies

October 31, 2023
00:00 36:33
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Picture this: A football player inviting his teammates to church, hoping to create a space that everyone could understand the message of Christ. This is how the ministry of Fellowship Church began - from the heart of its Senior Pastor Ed Young. Joined by his wife Lisa, they share the triumphs and tragedies of their life in an intimate conversation that's bound to touch your heart. From the birth of their ministry, to the loss of their daughter, Lee Beth - their story is a testament to the enduring power of faith, even in the face of unimaginable pain. It’s a tale of starting a church, raising a child with a genetic disease, and the sudden responsibility of raising two of Ed's nieces.

Their story doesn't end in despair. Rather, it transforms into a beacon of hope, a guide for others navigating similar hardships. In their book, A Path Through Pain, they explore their journey through bereavement and how it has opened doors to empathy and ministry. Faith has been their anchor, helping them weather life's storms. They also delve into the early stages of their relationship with Jesus, starting from Christianity 101 to the deep wellspring of faith they have now. Join us as they explore the concept of doubting in the darkness but remembering what was known in the light, and the importance of faith as an anchor through trials. Get ready to experience a story of strength, resilience, and the power of faith in overcoming life's tragedies.

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Meet Your Host
Jason Sautel spent much of his early adulthood as a decorated firefighter in one of the toughest firehouses in the country and today shares Christ-centered stories and lessons from his time there with his 600,000+ Facebook followers. He loves his wife of sixteen years, Kristie, his four two-legged children, and his two four-legged children. He appreciates God’s gifts of donuts, surfing, and Maui.
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