Salty Saints
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Salty Saints

Zack Killey and Randy Spacht
Better equipping you to be salt and light to the world around you. Join Zack Killey as he digs in to what it means to defend our faith through apologetics and real world examples of people working out their faith. If you have any questions or topics you want us to cover, email us at
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I Am the Lord Your God
July 23, 2024 - 52 min
Hey there, Salty Saints listeners! In this episode, we dove deep into the first words of the Ten Commandments: "I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." Randy and I explored the significance of this foundational statement and its implications for our relationship with God. We started by examining the historical context of God's introduction of Himself to the Israelites, drawing parallels to His interactions with Abraham and Jacob. The repetition of this phrase throughout the Old Testament highlighted God's faithfulness and desire for a personal relationship with His people. We delved into the symbolism of Egypt as a representation of idolatry, sin, and chaos, emphasizing the spiritual implications of being enslaved to false gods. The concept of being slaves to sin versus being slaves to righteousness was explored, highlighting the freedom found in serving God. Drawing connections to Paul's teachings on slavery to sin and righteousness in Romans 6, we discussed the importance of choosing to serve God over the false gods of the world. The episode concluded with a reflection on the significance of the first word of the Ten Commandments as a foundational declaration of God's authority and our response to His call. Join us next time as we continue our exploration of the Ten Commandments and delve into the practical applications of these foundational principles in our lives. Stay tuned and stay salty! 00:00:00 - Introduction to the 10 Commandments 00:05:30 - The Significance of "I am the Lord, your God" 00:13:33 - The Name Yahweh and its Meaning 00:21:56 - Pharaoh's Recognition of the Lord 00:26:11 - Pharaoh's Hardened Heart 00:30:18 - Symbolism of Egypt as a Place of Idolatry 00:36:10 - The Concept of Slavery to Sin 00:40:06 - The House of Slavery in Biblical Context 00:45:41 - The Transition from Slavery to Righteousness Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
A Deeper Look at the Ten Commandments
July 1, 2024 - 40 min
Hey there, Salty Saints listeners! Zach and Salty Randy here with a detailed synopsis of our latest podcast episode. In this episode, we kicked things off by discussing our decision to deep dive into the 10 Commandments. We explained our intention to explore each commandment individually to provide a comprehensive understanding of their significance and application in our lives today. We delved into the origins of the 10 Commandments, highlighting the two passages in the Old Testament where they are recorded: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. We discussed the significance of the number 10 and how the commandments are often referred to as the "10 words" or "Decalogue." Drawing from biblical references, we explored how Jesus and Paul reiterated the importance of the 10 Commandments, emphasizing the commandments related to loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself. We also touched on the concept of negative commands and their role in guiding behavior and decision-making. Zach shared a thought-provoking perspective on the evolution of rules and laws, from God's initial command to Adam and Eve to the Pharisees' extensive list of regulations. We discussed how the 10 Commandments serve as archetypes, guiding us to think beyond the literal commands and consider the underlying principles of love and respect. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on the Salty Saints Podcast, and as always, stay salty!   00:00:00 Introduction to the 10 Commandments 00:03:33 Origin and Record of the 10 Commandments 00:06:55 Significance of the Number 10 00:11:38 Jesus and the 10 Commandments 00:14:16 Paul and the 10 Commandments 00:17:13 Deeper Understanding of the Commandments  00:24:59 Negative Commands and Positive Interpretation 00:33:53  Love God, Love Your Neighbor 00:39:19 Conclusion and Next Steps Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Times of Suffering and How to Navigate Them
June 11, 2024 - 50 min
In this episode, we are diving deep into the heart of what it means to endure suffering and, more importantly, how to find our way through it. Randy and Zack share personal stories and Biblical insights that lead to a better understanding of suffering and how Christians endure times of despair. They explored the different faces of hardship, from personal loss and heartbreak to health challenges and loss of loved ones.  Whether you are currently going through a difficult time or seeking to understand and support someone who is, this episode offers a Christian perspective on navigating suffering. Tune in to uncover the tools and mindsets that help turn our trials into stepping stones that bring us closer to God and being more like Jesus in our everyday lives. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Exploring the Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Movement.
May 16, 2024 - 62 min
Hey there, welcome back to another episode of Salty Saints Podcast. In this episode, Randy and I dive deep into the world of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower movement. We start off by discussing the history of Jehovah's Witnesses, tracing back to Charles Taze Russell and the founding of the Bible Student Movement. We explore the split that occurred after Russell's death, leading to the establishment of the Jehovah's Witnesses under Joseph Rutherford. Moving on to their beliefs, we uncover some interesting facts. Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity, viewing Jesus as a created being who attained a form of godhood. They have their own translation of scripture, The New World Translation, which alters certain passages to align with their beliefs. When it comes to salvation, Jehovah's Witnesses have a works-based approach. Salvation is achieved through knowledge of God, obedience to God's laws, membership in the Jehovah's Witness organization, and active participation in spreading their doctrine. We also delve into their unique beliefs about the afterlife, with the 144,000 anointed individuals receiving a spiritual resurrection, the great crowd receiving a physical resurrection on a new paradise earth, and the rest facing annihilation or soul death. One intriguing aspect we discuss is their annual memorial of Christ's death, where only the anointed are allowed to partake in communion. This practice highlights the exclusivity within the Jehovah's Witness community. Overall, we dissect the key elements of Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs and practices, shedding light on their distinctive doctrines and the implications they have on salvation and the afterlife. Join us as we unravel the complexities of this religious movement and explore the implications of their teachings. Tune in to this episode for a deep dive into the world of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower movement. Stay salty, my friends. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Debate Between Sigmund Freud & C.S Lewis: Freud's Last Session
April 23, 2024 - 11 min
Sigmund Freud developed a revolutionary psychological theory (psychoanalysis), which established his career, started a movement, and ensured his titanic influence on Western thought. Today's bonus episode from LifeAudio's "Truth Tribe" discusses all this as well as Freud’s case against Lewis which hinges on two claims: (1) that religion is an illusion) and (2) the problem of evil.  If you like what you hear consider subscribing to "Truth Tribe" on Spotify or Apple. You can find more shows at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
It's the End of the World and We Know it???
April 12, 2024 - 54 min
In this episode, hosts ZacK and Randy examine the intriguing theories and predictions surrounding the end of the world. From ancient Assyrian clay tablets to modern-day apocalyptic beliefs, they explore various perspectives on the end times. Covering popular views such as dispensationalism, historic premillennialism, amillennialism, and post-millennialism, bringing light to the different interpretations of the millennium and Christ's return. Tune in to this episode of Salty Saints for a deep dive into end-time theories, biblical perspectives, and what it means to be ready for Christ's return. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Exploring the themes of the Passover Meal
March 23, 2024 - 49 min
Discover the essence of the Passover Seder and its relevance for Christians. Join Zack and Randy as they delve into the Biblical roots and historical importance of this tradition, exploring its significance in the context of contemporary Christian faith. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
This is how you are supposed to pray!
March 7, 2024 - 48 min
Jesus shows His disciples how to pray, and in His prayer, he teaches the disciples how personal our heavenly Father is. This personal way of praying was a revolutionary shift in how we approach God in prayer. Our prayers are part of a deeper connection with God as we seek a relationship and His purpose in our lives.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Exploring the Supposed Contradictions of the Bible
February 17, 2024 - 49 min
Have you ever wondered about the apparent contradictions in the Bible? Join Zack and Randy this week as they delve into the intriguing world of conflicting stories and events found in the Bible. By exploring the rich context and cultural nuances behind these verses, they aim to shed light on how seemingly opposing narratives can coexist within scripture.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Fallen Heroes of the Bible
February 6, 2024 - 52 min
God uses broken people to do extraordinary works. Our Bibles tell the stories of God's miraculous plan to save the world by using His fallen people. This week, Zach and Randy tell the stories of how God uses fallen, broken people to show His glory to His creation and how He plans to continue to use us to spread the message of salvation.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Hosts
Meet Your Hosts
Hey, I’m Zack! I’m a pastor at New Hope Church on the south side of Indianapolis, IN. I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a degree in Biblical Studies. I am currently engaged to my fiancé Abby, and depending on how often these bios get updated, I may be married by the time you’re reading this. I love apologetics, theology, and hearing about people coming to Christ. My goal as a Christian is to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ, to spread the Gospel, and to disciple others to do the same. In all reality, I could go into depth about who I am, but the best way to find that out is to tune into the podcast… like right now… :)
Meet Your Hosts
After 43 years of teaching the Bible and practical theology and church planting in Hispanic cultures, I have now been a pastor at New Hope Church since 2017. In that role, I hope to help others understand God’s Word in ways that will change their lives. My wife Linda and I have four adult children and eight grandchildren.
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