So Much More: Creating Space for God (Lectio Divina and Scripture Meditation)
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The Secret to a Spirit-Filled Life | Jack Levison

June 14, 2023
00:00 31:21
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How can we have a deeper and fuller walk with the Holy Spirit?

Jack Levison, renowned theologian, and acclaimed author, has spent years studying the person of the Holy Spirit, and what he’s found will surprise and transform you.

He shares some of the secrets he’s discovered that lead us to a fuller, deeper, and more powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Jack Levison holds the WJA Power Chair of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical Hebrew at Southern Methodist University. He previously taught at Duke Divinity School and Seattle Pacific University. Jack has the gift of connecting with popular audiences with essays featured in The Huffington Post,,, and He is the author and editor of many books, including A Boundless God. Which was Christianity Today's 2021 Book Award winner and his newest release, Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life.


Here are a few highlights from our conversation:

  • We start with a few questions I have about the Holy Spirit. First, the church feels all over the map on how we handle the Holy Spirit. Jack helps us understand a better way.
  • Second, I ask Jack to explain why Scripture says we are both filled with the Spirit and indwelt by the Spirit. Jack explains this and shares that he believes the filling of the Spirit is to propel us toward mission. This was super interesting to me.
  • An interesting thing about Jack and his wife is that they live in a dorm at SMU with 185 undergraduate students. He tells us about some of the challenges and blessings of this.
  • Jack shares where the Lord led him as he meditated on John 14. So amazing to see the living and active Word at work! I love how God showed him something new in the passage.
  • This leads us to talk about one of the secrets he discovered about life with the Spirit – we need to saturate ourselves in Scripture. The Spirit will help us recall – but we need something to recall first. This is why we need to be filling ourselves with God’s word.
  • Jack tells us why failed Bible study can be some of the best Bible study. This is interesting!
  • We then talk about how God has upended some things in Jack’s life as he’s studied God’s word. He tells us how his views have changed on some critical issues.
  • Finally, Jack ends with some encouragement for us found in Acts 8 and the life of Philip. Super encouraging – and maybe a bit convicting.


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Meet Your Host
Jodie Niznik is a seminary-trained lover of God’s Word who has served in vocational ministry for over twelve years. She helps people create space for God in their lives through her Scripture meditation podcast and equips them to take another step with Jesus through her Real People, Real Faith Bible studies and teaching. You can connect with her at
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