Feeling Superior, Phone-Mo, and Freedom
John discovers the subtle difference between prison inmates and referees, and unveils a new jingle candidate for his Quote of the Week segment. Meanwhile, Jonnie ponders whether ancient philosophers would’ve been discouraged if they had put their ideas on Facebook and tells the story of Oprah Winfrey and a wheelbarrow full of fat.
Plus, a conversation about what liberty really looks like vs. what we think it is.
Today’s episode is NOT sponsored by Airplane Pillows: “When you want to sleep on a flight, but also want to walk around with a neck brace all day.”
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Jonnie's special, Live At The Franklin Theatre, was featured on Amazon Prime Video, and his two Drybar comedy specials are viral hits, garnering millions of views, and landing him in their Top Ten most viewed for 2021. He has also been featured on the Grand Ole Opry's Circle Network and is heard daily on Sirius Satellite Radio. Jonnie lives with his wife Curry near Nashville, TN, because that’s where all their stuff is. https://linktr.ee/jonniew