The Walk: Devotionals for Worshippers
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The Walk: Devotionals for Worshippers

Worship Leader

Worship Leader’s devotional podcast platforms guests that are passionate believers with a great story and an even better message for our large audience of worshippers. Our guests are creatives who walk with God daily and bring a great word to the Body of Christ. They include worship leaders, pastors, educators, speakers, and artists. Listeners will travel along each week and hear an intimate first-person story and learn how, through that story, our guests have built a lifestyle of worship.

Full Episode List:

The Walk is a production of Authentic Media's Worship Leader Magazine. Emmy Award-winning producer and editor Matt McCartie teamed up with host and Authentic Media partner Joshua Swanson to bring this podcast to life.

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A Conversation with Lucy Grimble on The Walk Podcast
April 24, 2024 - 28 min
The Spiritual Genesis of Lucy Grimble In a delightful and insightful episode of The Walk Podcast, Lucy Grimble, a gifted U.K.-based worship artist, sits down with Joshua Swanson, the sagacious Editor-in-Chief of Worship Leader Magazine. Together, they unveil the tapestry of Lucy's spiritual journey, intertwined delicately with the rich heritage of Anglican worship and the profound, transformative encounter with the Toronto Blessing. Lucy’s narrative begins in the quiet suburbs of London, within the venerable walls of a Victorian Anglican church, where the unsuspecting formality was lovingly interrupted by a divine wind — the Spirit's touch. It was in these tender years that Lucy encountered the tangible reality of God's presence, shaping her path and beckoning her into a commitment to Christ — a decision uniquely her own, stepping beyond familial faith. The Heart of Authentic Worship As we eavesdrop on their conversation, Lucy's artistic voyage surfaces as one marked by authenticity. Her songwriting, a sanctuary of honest dialogue with God, resounds with the depth of psalms and the rawness of personal pilgrimage. She shares the emergence of her craft amidst faith's awakening, melding the two in a harmonious expression of devotion. Diversity and Desire: The Church in London Swanson probes the landscape of Lucy's context, the Anglican communion in London, rich with diversity and a universal thirst for the Spirit's outpouring. Lucy’s experiences across the ecclesiastical spectrum — from high church ceremonies to Pentecostal vigor — bear witness to a collective desire for God’s transformative work in society. Artistic Integrity in the Shadow of Industry Amidst the richness of their dialogue, Lucy recounts the challenge of nurturing creativity in an environment divergent from the commercial hub of Nashville's Christian Contemporary Music scene. With integrity and a desire to preserve the freedom of her artistic voice, Lucy embraces her roots in the U.K., savoring the earnest purity found in the fellowship of local artists. The Birth of a Testimony Through Melody The podcast glides into the reflective tones of Lucy’s latest album, a contemplative project birthed from the crucible of pandemic-driven despair. Here, in the tension between darkness and light, she finds a canvas for her testimony, painting with the hues of endurance and the brushstrokes of divine faithfulness. A Word of Encouragement to Worship Leaders For fellow worship leaders, Lucy imparts a resonant encouragement: the intrinsic worth of pursuing the beauty of the Lord, the enduring anchor of our soul's adoration. Her words, steeped in wisdom, beckon us to seek renewed revelation of Christ's splendor. Lucy Grimble's story, shared with humility and vibrance on The Walk Podcast, is a beckoning call to encounter grace in the unlikely — to see God's spirit move in unexpected places and to sing a new song, one that resonates through the formal aisles of tradition and into the vibrant streets of contemporary life. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Lucy Grimble? In the heart of London, UK, stands Lucy Grimble, a worship leader and songwriter whose decade-long tenure has been marked by an unyielding commitment to crafting spaces of divine love and unity through music. With over ten years of experience, Lucy has honed her art as a solo performer and as the linchpin of a band of adept musicians and vocalists. Her music transcends mere performance; it is an invitation to experience the love of God, an embrace that dissolves barriers and kindles a deep-seated love for the divine, self, and neighbor. Lucy's latest concept album, "Between the Shadow and the
A Conversation with Mac Powell
April 8, 2024 - 26 min
In this episode of “The Walk” podcast, Joshua Swanson, our esteemed Editor-in-Chief, engaged in a profound dialogue with the artist and worship leader Mac Powell, whose seasoned wisdom shines through the tenure of his journey in Christian music.  Powell, with grace akin to the silver strands in his beard, reflects on his newfound role as an elder statesman in the industry. He fondly recalls the influence of stalwarts like Michael W. Smith and Stephen Curtis Chapman, now passing the baton as a mentor to the newer generation of artists.  Divine Redirection in a Time of Global Pause Amidst the unforeseen global pause brought by COVID-19, Powell found a divine redirection of his path— from touring to becoming an artist in residence at a local church in Atlanta, joining hands with Dr. Michael Youssef. This transition unearthed treasures of fellowship and community, contrasting the transient connections of touring life. As a solo artist and a worship leader, he basks in the continuity of nurturing relationships within the body of Christ.  Humility and the Fame Conundrum His humility, a byproduct of his faith and family life, repudiates any notion of fame going to his head. Powell shares how the acknowledgment of not being "good enough" serves not as a defeat but a testament to Christ's sufficiency. Confronting Lies with Gospel Truth In his battle against the lies of inadequacy, Powell holds onto the gospel truth that his value and capabilities are firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. His fervent prayers and walks symbolize an ongoing pursuit of closeness with the Savior, an honest reflection of his dependency on God for every breath. Mentoring the Next Generation Powell's insights into mentoring the younger generation reveal his excitement for the fresh voices rising in the Christian music space. He observes the vibrant faith of youth, their growth, and their commitment, which bodes well for the future of worship.  The Indispensable Church Addressing concerns about the relevance of church for young people, Powell articulates the foundational Christian doctrine of communal worship—pointing to the scriptural mandate not to forsake gathering as believers. He sees the church as an irreplaceable forum for mutual edification and spiritual growth. Personal Goals and Spiritual Leadership As a leader in the worship music domain, Powell's goals remain steadfast: deepening his faith and understanding of Scripture, a journey inspired by his wife's dedication to studying the New Testament. His focus on personal spiritual growth aligns with his mission in ministry and music. Music's Role in Spiritual Warfare Speaking on spiritual warfare, Powell acknowledges its reality, emphasizing the vital role of music in the spiritual battle. He references scriptural instances where music and worship played pivotal roles in God's plan, and shares his own practice of incorporating hymns into worship, a tribute to the rich theological heritage they carry. Family Ties in Ministry Finally, Powell expresses the joy of touring with his family, where his children occasionally accompany him as part of his band, underscoring the intertwining of his faith and family life in his ministry. As Powell left with a Chick-fil-A-inspired "my pleasure," we too are left with nourishment—but of the soul, fed by the earnest testament of a life devoted to worship, humility, and the stewardship of Christ's legacy in music. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Mac Powell? Hailing from the heartland of Alabama and relocating to Atlanta, Georgia during his high school years, Mac Powell would go
A Conversation with Aaron Shust
April 1, 2024 - 35 min
The Transformative Power of Scriptural Songwriting Aaron Shust, a prominent voice in Christian music, offers an enlightening perspective on the role of Scripture in songwriting. His creative process, deeply anchored in biblical texts, transcends the mere composition of music. It is an act of faith, believing that the Word of God, when melded with melody, will accomplish its divine purposes in the hearts of listeners. Shust's commitment to this principle is particularly evident in his work with psalms, where he crafts musical expressions that resonate with both familiarity and spiritual profundity. His approach is not about creating from a deity's perspective but embodying the worshipper's voice, akin to David's psalms. As he quotes Jesus in Matthew 11, Shust underscores the inherent power of divine words that work beyond human capacity to inspire or evoke emotion. A Pilgrimage to the Heart of Worship Shust's pilgrimage to Israel in 2016 was transformative, deepening his understanding of biblical events and their present reality. He recounts how walking in the footsteps of Jesus across the historic landscapes of Israel imprinted on him a profound sense of the Scriptures' authenticity and the enduring significance of these sacred sites. This experience not only enriched his personal faith journey but also influenced his music, infusing it with the weight and spiritual significance of the Holy Land. The Ongoing Relevance of Israel in Worship In a world striving for equity and sensitivity, the unique role of Israel in God's divine narrative continues to captivate Shust. The mysterious choice of Israel and its people plays a pivotal role in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, as well as in the unfolding of God's ultimate plan. Shust passionately conveys his desire to stand with Israel and acknowledges the intricate plans God has for all nations while maintaining a balanced love for Israel and its neighbors. Generational Leadership in Worship Reflecting on intergenerational dynamics within the church, Shust emphasizes the need for authenticity in worship across age groups. He challenges the next generation to inquire and engage with the practices of worship passed down to them, fostering a dialogue that respects tradition while allowing for evolution. As someone who now finds himself in the role of the mentor rather than the mentee, he seeks to inspire younger worshippers to contribute meaningfully to the church's legacy. The Sanctity of Gathering Shust highlights the beauty and necessity of the Christian community coming together in worship, echoing the early church's unity and fervor. He sees the gathering of believers as a fundamental expression of the church, vital to its spiritual vigor and reflective of the inherent human need for connection and shared faith. Worship and Relevance in Songwriting Navigating the delicate balance between timeless and contemporary, Shust aims for his music to hold relevance for all generations without alienating any. He aspires for his creations to be recognized as timeless classics, pairing eternal content with melodies that stand the test of time. The Journey to Songwriting as a Calling From his first song at the age of 11, Shust's songwriting journey has been one of spiritual and emotional exploration. His process, richly influenced by his musical education and personal faith, led him to discover the profound satisfaction of setting Scripture to music. His story is a testament to the power of creative expression as a means of worship. Words of Wisdom: Advice to the Younger Self Reflecting on his younger years, Shust would advise his younger self to embrace the present, trust in God's direction, and value the present ministry over future aspirations. His growth as an artist and believer underscores the importance of faithfulness in small things and the recognition of God's sovereignty over our life's path. Artistic Creation as Ministry Shust advocates for a ministry-focused approach to artistry, ensuring that creative works serve to edify others and glorify God. He encourages artists to consider the impact of their art on the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of their audience, moving beyond self-serving motives toward a ministry that points to the divine. Leading Worship with Imperfection In his humility, Shust acknowledges that worship leaders, like all believers, are flawed vessels. Yet, he has witnessed God's grace in using imperfect individuals to lead others in worship. Striving for a clean heart and pure hands is a continual pursuit for Shust, highlighting the necessity of confession and dependence on God's mercy. Aaron Shust's dialogue in "The Wal
Jennifer and Marty Goetz Devotional: I Will Fear No Evil
March 25, 2024 - 23 min
In the latest episode of The Walk podcast, we find ourselves in a rich conversation with the artists Marty and Jennifer Goetz, whose lives have been a tapestry woven with the threads of faith, music, and heritage. One cannot help but be moved by the authenticity with which they share their journey. Embracing Heritage and Faith Marty Goetz, a man who embraces his identity as a Jewish gospel singer, captures our imagination as he recounts his aspirations to be like the musical icons of his time. Yet, in the heartfelt and humble recollections shared with his wife, Jennifer, we are gently reminded of the transforming power of the Psalms and the timeless relevance of worship. The Transformative Power of Partnership Jennifer's voice in the conversation serves as a testament to the supportive and integral role she has played in their ministry, as well as a witness to the personal and spiritual transformation that unfolds when one encounters the divine amid life’s tumult. The Journey Through the Psalms Their story is a narrative of discovery, with each chapter marked by a Psalm—like milestones along the path of their faith walk. The most profound of these Psalms, Psalm 23, becomes a lens through which they view their past and present, a scriptural anchor that has seen them through the shadows and into the light. Rediscovering Worship The Goetzes' reflections serve as a devotional roadmap, inviting us to consider the profound depths of Scripture and the personal relationship we can have with its Author. Marty's anecdote of rewriting Psalm 23, which was first sung out of a new believer's passion and later out of the wisdom of experience, challenges us to approach familiar passages with fresh eyes and renewed hearts. Finding the Altar at Home In the crucible of life's hardships, from cancer to the isolation brought on by a global pandemic, Marty and Jennifer discovered an altar in their home. They transformed their space into a House of Worship, rekindling their spiritual fervor and refining their ministry to reflect a more intimate and communal worship experience. The Ministry of Song Their conversation is a witness to the fact that the valleys and mountaintops of our faith journey can lead to a deeper, more profound worship—a worship that goes beyond the walls of churches and into the very heart of our daily lives. Anticipating "Shepherd of Israel" Their upcoming release, "Shepherd of Israel," holds the promise of a song born out of both tribulation and triumph, encapsulating their shared story and the stories of many who will find solace in its melody. As we take our leave from this episode of The Walk, we carry with us the resonant truth that, like David the Psalmist and the Goetzes, we are all invited to sing a new song to the Lord, a song that rises from the narrative of our lives, echoing the faithfulness of the Shepherd of Israel. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Planning Center University: Who is Jennifer Yaffee Goetz? Jennifer Yaffee was born in New York City into a conservative Jewish family. In her mid-twenties she began traveling with Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, and many other musical icons of the sixties. She was immersed in a pop culture lifestyle that anyone looking in would likely covet, yet she found herself empty and unfulfilled. At the age of 25 she gave her life to Yeshua, and in 1984 she married Marty Goetz, another Jewish believer in Jesus. Within that same year, Marty recorded his first album and the two have built Marty Goetz Ministries together from the ground up, traveling and singing all over the world to share the good news of Yeshua with both Jew and Gentile alike.
Sean Rodriguez Devotional: Leading With Purpose
March 18, 2024 - 22 min
In the recent episode of The Walk listeners were treated to a profound and heartfelt devotional by Sean Rodriguez, a worship leader and artist renowned for his breakout pop anthem "Center Stage" and his participation in the 2023 Winter Jam Tour. With an evangelical heritage that shapes his music, Rodriguez is dedicated to celebrating God's transformative power and majesty, making him a fitting guest for a discussion on the essentials of worship leadership. Sean Rodriguez's Personal Journey and Insights Sean Rodriguez shared his personal journey, rooted in a rich church upbringing under the guidance of his grandfather, a pastor in Denver, Colorado. His narrative revealed the dual nature of church life, highlighting both its challenges and blessings. Rodriguez stressed the significance of growing up in a church environment, which instilled in him a deep-seated understanding of serving, leading, and the importance of aligning one's leadership with prayer and the pursuit of God's will over personal ambition. The Heart of Worship Leadership Central to Rodriguez's message was the concept of self-examination for worship leaders and team members alike. He urged individuals to reflect on their motivations for leading worship, emphasizing the need for authenticity and a heart aligned with God's purposes. This introspection extends beyond the leaders to encompass the entire worship team, fostering an environment where serving others becomes a primary focus. Rodriguez advocated for leadership through servitude, drawing on the biblical principle that true leaders are the foremost servants. Facilitating Congregational Participation Rodriguez also touched upon the dynamics of worship settings, challenging leaders to create spaces that encourage active participation rather than passive observation. This involves demonstrating worship through actions and attitudes, thereby guiding the congregation in their worship journey. The episode served as a reminder of the sacred responsibility entrusted to worship leaders and teams, urging them to approach their roles with reverence, humility, and a steadfast commitment to fostering environments where the presence of God is palpably felt, and hearts are drawn closer to Him. As we reflect on Sean Rodriguez's insights, let us carry forward the reminder that worship leadership is not merely a role but a divine calling to facilitate encounters with the living God, where the hearts of His people are united in adoration and reverence. May we embrace this calling with gratitude, diligence, and a ceaseless desire to see His will done in and through our lives. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Planning Center University: Who is Sean Rodriguez? Sean Rodriguez, previously known as Sean BE, has experienced a remarkable surge in visibility and impact within the Christian music scene, particularly highlighted by his role as a featured Pre-Jam artist during the 2023 Winter Jam tour—a significant event in the Christian music calendar. This new chapter in his career not only advances his musical endeavors but also pays homage to the evangelistic legacy his grandfather established over four decades ago. Before immersing himself in the music industry, Rodriguez dedicated his efforts to guiding young minds as a children’s pastor and youth leader. His 2023 hit, "Center Stage," has captured the hearts of a global audience, boasting over 2.5 million streams. Signed with WieRok Entertainment, Rodriguez has had the honor of sharing stages with luminaries like Michael W. Smith, for KING & COUNTRY, KB, and Cain at prestigious festivals such as Lifest, Big Ticket Festival, and Off The Charts Music Festival. His recent works include "The Unbelievable," a worshipful pop song that magnifies the transformative power of God, and "Glory," a hip-hop flavored track with Holly Halliwell, celebrating the divine majesty. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquir
A Conversation with Consumed by Fire
March 13, 2024 - 31 min
From Asbury to Authenticity: The Walk Podcast Explores Revival with Consumed by Fire The latest episode of The Walk, hosted by Worship Leader Magazine's Joshua Swanson, shines a spotlight on the Ward brothers of the band Consumed by Fire. The brothers share their fervent commitment to spreading the gospel through their music and discuss their spiritual journey influenced by their ministry-rich family heritage. A Revival of Hearts: The Asbury Awakening Discussed The conversation takes a deep dive into the recent revival movements, especially the one that began at Asbury University. The brothers reflect on the genuine thirst for God’s presence that is igniting a wildfire of faith across the nation, marking what they consider the precursor to the greatest revival yet. The Church's Relevance in Contemporary Times The podcast touches on a provocative question about the church's place in today’s world. The Ward brothers challenge the cynicism facing modern faith communities, advocating for a resurgence of expectation and divine wisdom as the antidote to doubt. A New Generational Flame: The Fiery Faith of Youth Today The discussion shifts to the remarkable traits of the upcoming generation of believers. The Wards express their admiration for the youth's unapologetic worship and innovative spirit, recognizing them as a potent force for the future of Christianity. Balancing Ministry and Artistry: Worship Leading vs. Christian Performance Navigating the complexities between ministry-focused music and the identity of a Christian artist, the Wards elaborate on their ministry-first mindset, emphasizing the power of music to usher listeners into the presence of God rather than glorify the performer. Brotherhood and Bandhood: Navigating Life on the Road The interview concludes with the Ward brothers recounting humorous and heartfelt stories from their life touring together, highlighting the realities of familial relationships intertwined with the vocation of ministry. Closing Thoughts The episode concludes with an acoustic rendition of "First Things First," symbolizing the band's commitment to their calling and the power of surrendering to God's will in their ministry and music. -- -- -- -- -- -- Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. Our host is Joshua Swanson and the show’s co-producer and editor is Matt McCartie. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Planning Center University: Who is Consumed by Fire? No strangers to the nomadic lifestyle intrinsic to their craft, the emerging Contemporary Christian Music ensemble, Consumed By Fire, embodies their moniker in a refreshingly authentic manner. This trio, hailing from Oklahoma, consists of Caleb Ward, whose voice leads the charge; Jordan Ward, who adds depth with harmonies and percussion; and Josh Ward, whose guitar strings complement the vocal harmonies, thereby fulfilling the divine purpose woven into their very existence: to disseminate the message of God's grace through the universal language of music. Caleb articulates a profound truth, stating, "Ministry, in any form it might have taken, is our innate calling." This calling is audibly reflected in their music, a melodic legacy influenced by the diverse musical palate of their father. Their current radio single, "First Things First," is a testament to the trio's familial synergy and the all-encompassing love bestowed upon them by their fathers—both earthly and divine. As this track ascends the radio charts, accolades from esteemed platforms like KLove and Air1 Radio have already begun to spotlight Consumed By Fire for their "deft lyricism and tight harmonies." With an arsenal of new music and a calendar of tour dates on the horizon, the band stands on the cusp of a thrilling and musically abundant year. Discover more Christian podcasts at <a
A Conversation with Sarah Reeves
February 28, 2024 - 19 min
In our latest episode of The Walk podcast, we had the honor of delving into the heart and mind of Sarah Reeves, a multifaceted artist whose journey in music is as inspiring as it is instructive. Herein, we provide a comprehensive look at this illuminating exchange. Welcoming Artistry and Worship Joshua Swanson, our erudite Editor-in-Chief, sets the stage by introducing Sarah Reeves, an artist who entered the music scene at the mere age of 18. With a career burgeoning with versatility and fervor, Sarah epitomizes the blend of artistry, faith, and vocation. The episode begins with gratitude to Planning Center and the Worship Leader Institute for their invaluable support to the community. The Essence of Worship Sarah defines worship as an everyday lifestyle, permeated with sacrifice and surrender, extending beyond church walls into the minutiae of daily living. She advocates for a worshipful life marked by gratitude and a constant consciousness of God’s presence, whether in passing interactions or in the creative process of songwriting. Balancing Sacredness and Career In the nexus of worship's sacredness and the demands of a music career, Sarah candidly addresses the complexities she faced. From youthful band competitions to record deals and ministering through music, she navigates the challenges and temptations of the music industry. A poignant moment of self-reflection led her to pause writing worship music, recalibrate her intentions, and return with a renewed focus on serving the church and its congregants. Challenging Christian Music Labels Sarah expresses a desire for Christian artists to transcend the confines of labels like Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) and worship music. She aspires for a world where Christian artists freely create and perform across genres and settings, infusing their work with authenticity and spiritual depth that resonate with believers and seekers alike. Creative Process: Pop vs. Worship The creative process, for Sarah, remains fundamentally the same regardless of genre. Each day's emotions and reflections may give rise to a worship song or a pop melody. Collaboration and conversation fuel her songwriting, whether for the mainstream or the church. Encouragement Against Burnout With burnout prevalent among Christians, Sarah offers solace, advising rest and the importance of supportive community. She emphasizes the value of seeking counsel, focusing on healthy relationships, and guarding against isolation and negativity. Advice to Her Younger Self Reflecting on her journey, Sarah would advise her younger self to embrace patience, accept failure as a part of growth, and appreciate the beauty in life's trials. She underscores the importance of authenticity and the power of lived experience in songwriting. A Vision for the Next Generation Sarah's enthusiasm for the emerging generation is palpable. She admires their candor and yearns for their fresh perspectives to invigorate the church. She encourages them to maintain their innocence, avoid the pitfalls of comparison, and harness their unique God-given gifts. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. Our host is Joshua Swanson and the show’s co-producer and editor is Matt McCartie. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Sarah Reeves? Pop artist and songwriter Sarah Reeves signed her first record deal at age 18. Since then, in addition to pursuing her own artistry, she has dedicated a vast portion of her career to writing songs for other artists for TV and film. Her music has appeared in Disney Plus and National Geographic’s six-part original series “Welcome To Earth,” starring Will Smith; Disney’s Raya and the Last Dragon int
Misha Goetz Devotional: A Time for Everything
February 19, 2024 - 25 min
A Time for Everything: Discovering Faith's Seasons with Misha Goetz In the latest episode of The Walk Podcast by Worship Leader Magazine, listeners will be graced with an intimate and moving narrative by musician Misha Goetz. Host Joshua Swanson introduces us to the Nashville native, whose story weaves through the tapestry of deep personal loss, unwavering faith, and the transformative power of music and worship. The Impact of Personal Loss Listeners will learn about the profound impact of the global pandemic on personal lives as Misha shares her heart-wrenching experience of miscarriage during that challenging period. Her story is a testament to the struggle and beauty of faith as she navigates through the seasons of grief and healing. Misha's Messianic Jewish Heritage As Misha recounts, her journey is deeply rooted in her Messianic Jewish heritage, having been raised in a household that celebrated Jesus as the Messiah, a faith that blossomed from the Jesus Movement in the 1970s in Southern California. This episode provides a rich context for understanding the complexities and depths of Messianic Judaism, particularly through the lens of music and worship. The Call to Music The episode will also offer insights into how Misha's unexpected path led her to a career in music, inspired by her familial lineage and spiritual calling. The listeners will hear about her creative process, which is as much about divine inspiration as it is about artistic discipline. Misha emphasizes the importance of identifying and prioritizing one's season in life, a concept that she has explored in her latest project, "A Time for Everything." Navigating Life's Trials with Faith Moreover, this podcast episode serves as a guide on how to navigate life's trials with grace and faith. Misha encourages listeners to seek God’s direction in every season and to be diligent in the callings they receive. Her personal anecdotes provide a blueprint for anyone looking to balance life's many roles while staying anchored in their faith. The Power of Prayer and New Life Misha's narrative culminates in the power of prayer and the miracle of new life, as she shares the joy of welcoming her child Samuel after a period of uncertainty and sorrow. Her story is a powerful reminder of the cycles of life and death, joy and sorrow, and the ever-present hope found in faith. Seasons of Life In closing, this episode of The Walk Podcast promises to be a soul-stirring encounter with one woman's journey through the valleys and mountaintops of life, deeply intertwined with the threads of worship, heritage, and the pursuit of God’s heart in every season. Ecclesiastes 3:3-8 3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. Our host is Joshua Swanson and the show’s co-producer and editor is Matt McCartie. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Misha Goetz? For over a decade Misha has dedicated her life to the art of music and the ministry of worship. 
"How Great Thou Art (Until That Day)" Matt Redman and Matt Maher
February 7, 2024 - 34 min
The Reimagining of "How Great Thou Art": A Conversation with Matt Maher and Matt Redman In a compelling episode of "The Walk," hosted by Joshua Swanson, Editor-in-Chief of Worship Leader Magazine, contemporary worship music luminaries Matt Maher and Matt Redman delve into the profound legacy and innovative revival of the venerable hymn "How Great Thou Art" through their collaborative work, "How Great Thou Art (Until That Day)." This year marks the 75th anniversary of the hymn that has profoundly impacted worship across the globe, evidenced by over 1,600 recordings and billions of streams. The History of “How Great Thou Art” The episode provides a fascinating journey through the hymn's history, its unwavering relevance, and the personal connections and creative processes of Maher and Redman. They share insights into their long-standing friendship, intertwined with their musical journeys, and the serendipitous moments that have marked their collaborative efforts over the years. Maher introduces an intriguing perspective on art and music, suggesting that while art decorates our physical spaces, music uniquely adorns time itself, offering a timeless medium through which worship can transcend temporal boundaries. This concept beautifully encapsulates the enduring appeal of "How Great Thou Art," a hymn that not only recounts the majesty of God's creation but also resonates with the human spirit across generations. A New Rendition The new rendition, "How Great Thou Art (Until That Day)," emerges as a heartfelt response to the current global landscape, particularly the strife in Ukraine. It intricately weaves new lyrical and musical elements into the classic hymn, reflecting a deep yearning for divine intervention and hope amidst turmoil. Redman and Maher's collaborative effort aims to honor the hymn's rich legacy while addressing contemporary realities, embodying the hymn's capacity to bridge historical and modern-day worship. The project is underscored by a profound sense of community and purpose, extending beyond artistic expression to encompass humanitarian aid for Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The collective endeavor of Maher, Redman, and their partners exemplifies the power of worship music to not only uplift spirits but also mobilize support for those in need. Transformative Power of Worship Music In essence, this episode of "The Walk" encapsulates the transformative power of worship music, celebrating the fusion of tradition and innovation in "How Great Thou Art (Until That Day)." It serves as a testament to the hymn's enduring legacy and the unifying force of music in worship, transcending time and circumstances to touch hearts and inspire hope. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. Our host is Joshua Swanson and the show’s co-producer and editor is Matt McCartie. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Matt Redman? Matt Redman stands as a beacon in the landscape of worship music, his talents having earned him a GRAMMY® Award. Over the past two decades, his contributions have significantly shaped the hymnal of the global Church. Redman's spiritual odyssey has led him across continents—from the vibrant landscapes of South Africa to the serene settings of Japan, the rich cultures of India, the expansive horizons of Australia, and the historic ambiance of the Czech Republic. His voice has filled some of the world's most renowned venues, including the iconic Madison Square Garden, the vast expanse of Wembley Stadium, and the prestigious Royal Albert Hall. Moreover, his creative endeavors have seen him recording in legendary studios such as Abbey Road in London and Capitol Records in Los Angeles. Among his most cherished compositions are "The Heart of Worship," "Blessed Be Your Name," and "Our God," with "10,000 Reasons" achieving the distinction of winning t
A Conversation with Lindy Cofer and Andy Byrd from The Send
January 31, 2024 - 15 min
From Worship to Action: The Send's Rallying Cry for a Missionary Generation In today’s exploration of the vibrant world of worship and mission, we delve into an enriching  "Conversations on the Walk," where Joshua Swanson, Editor-in-Chief of Worship Leader Magazine, engages with Andy Byrd, Founder of The Send, and Lindy Cofer from Circuit Riders. This dialogue orbits around the nexus of worship, evangelism, and the galvanizing of a generation for missionary work. What Is The Send? The Send emerges as a beacon, rallying individuals from various walks of life to their missionary callings, with a particular emphasis on reaching every corner of society. Their event in Nashville, not just a gathering but a launch pad for action, underscores the imperative for spiritual awakening and transformation across generations. The Send crafts a strategy pivoting on large-scale gatherings that empower and train believers to innovate and expand their reach. This strategy is as adaptable as it is dynamic, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries, from America to Norway, South Africa, and the Philippines. A Commitment To Unity Andy Byrd elucidates the Send's dedication to unity among diverse denominations and Christian organizations. A meticulous campaign of collaboration, mobilization, and empowerment that culminates in impactful training and follow-ups is the crux of their mission. This unity is not just theoretical; it manifests in tangible outcomes and sustained efforts in mission fields. Challenges Faced by The Send One of the profound challenges The Send has faced in America, particularly post-COVID, is rallying the body of Christ. However, the success stories, like the emergence of Christian clubs in high schools and the unity movements among pastors, are a testament to the triumphs over these challenges. For Andy, leading The Send has been a faith-stretching journey, drawing him closer to Jesus amidst balancing the pressure and the incredible fruit.  The Send and Worship Lindy Cofer, a beacon of worship and mission, emphasizes the centrality of worship in The Send's mission. She draws from Isaiah 6, highlighting the transformative power of worship in knowing and exalting Jesus, thus commissioning believers. She envisions worship as a potent tool for evangelism, breaking down barriers to the knowledge of God, and igniting a passion for mission through music. Lindy's spiritual journey has been deeply shaped by leading worship at The Send, experiencing the unifying force of collective, heartfelt worship. She anticipates a shift towards discipleship within the worship movement, steering away from celebrity culture towards a purer, more authentic expression of worship that magnifies Jesus and fosters transformation at every level of society. The Send Nashville As the conversation concludes, we are reminded of The Send’s upcoming event in Nashville, a clarion call for the church to step into their daily mission fields. The commitment of individuals like Andy and Lindy, and their innovative approaches to worship and evangelism, continue to inspire and activate believers worldwide. In anticipation of the waves of change and revival that such movements will bring forth, we await with eagerness the new sounds and songs that will mark the continued move of God in our time. - - - - - - - - - Please subscribe to our social channels for more information and great content surrounding building a lifestyle of worship. This podcast is brought to you by Authentic Media and Worship Leader. Our host is Joshua Swanson and the show’s co-producer and editor is Matt McCartie. More episodes can be found at the link below. - - - - - - - - - Links: Who is Lindy Cofer? Lindy Cofer is a mom, wife, and worship leader, and has a passion for foster care, adoption and advocacy for vulnerable children. Lindy and her husband, Chase have given their lives to activat
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Meet Your Host
Hosted by award-winning voice talent Joshua Swanson, The Walk is a podcast dedicated to sharing the stories of passionate believers with a message for our large audience of worshippers. Our guests are creatives who walk with God daily and bring a great word to the Body of Christ. They include worship leaders, pastors, educators, speakers and artists. Listeners will travel along each week and hear an intimate first-person story and learn how, through that story, our guests have built a lifestyle of worship.
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