Conceived in Rape, Adopted in Love: Ryan Bomberger's Unforgettable Story- Ep. 113
Ryan Bomberger has been told that he should have never been born, that he doesn’t deserve to live. Repeatedly.
Because Ryan was conceived in rape.
Less than 1% of pregnancies begin in the violent act of rape. Yet despite this extremely uncommon occurrence, the pro-choice narrative myopically centers around this rare circumstance as a justification for ending an innocent life. But people seldom ask:
Is a child conceived in rape less human, less valuable to society?
Is he or she less valuable to God?
Pro-abortion advocates say that a child conceived in rape is, and some pro-lifers even make that exception as well.
Ryan’s remarkable testimony of being conceived in rape but adopted in love serves as a powerful reminder that every life is sacred, valuable, and has purpose—regardless of the circumstances of their conception.
Catherine and Ryan also explore the wonderful gift of adoption and the pervasive misconceptions surrounding the pro-life movement by highlighting the comprehensive support provided by pro-life organizations to women facing unplanned pregnancies. These workers provide holistic care before and after birth, offering housing, work opportunities, health care, furniture, baby supplies, childcare classes, and physical and emotional care for moms who don’t have a support system.
Their conversation also touches on the book "Pro-Life Kids" authored by Ryan's wife, Bethany, which brilliantly simplifies complex arguments about the value of life for children to comprehend. The book reinforces the idea that every human being, regardless of their circumstances, possesses intrinsic value and dignity.
Ryan Bomberger, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer, The Radiance Foundation ( Ryan has been named “one of the 50 greatest pro-life leaders in the last 50 years” in the book “Legacy of Life.” Author of the book “Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong” ( Co-author of the children’s books “He is He” ( and “She is She” (
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“My Life Has Purpose” Interview with Lila Rose of Live Action
“Ryan Bomberger: Woke Culture, Critical Race Theory, and Protecting Life” with ReFOCUS Jim Daly
Romans 4:17
Psalm 139
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