How Can God Forgive Sins Like Abuse, Rape, and Murder? (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz) - Ep. 73
There are some sins that seem unforgivable… and yet God forgives. But He doesn’t forgive because those sins are okay. He doesn’t brush those sins under the rug and say, “I’ll let it slide this time, but try your best not to torture, rape, or murder anyone again.” That is not God’s response to these heinous acts.
So what is His response?
His response is the cross. His response was to take that sin upon Himself and pay the price so that every heinous act is punished. Every sin is paid for.
To thoroughly unpack this difficult topic, Catherine continues her conversation with Elizabeth Urbanowicz from Foundation Worldview, concluding last week’s conversation which analyzed some of the complaints and inaccurate portrayals of God in the deconstruction movement. In this episode, Catherine and Elizabeth discuss who God is more fully, in particular the extent of His mercy which forgives all who repent.
The fact that God is willing to forgive horrific crimes against innocent human beings is hard to fathom. But God’s mercy does not mean that the horrible things that happen in this world are not relevant or significant. God is not cavalier about these abhorrent sins. Quite the contrary. He paid the ultimate price to cover these sins.
Understanding all of God’s attributes is necessary in order to understand who He is. We cannot separate His mercy from His justice. But mercy and justice are perfectly satisfied at the cross in Christ, which enables God to forgive every sin.
Elizabeth’s bio: Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Several years into her teaching experience, Elizabeth realized that despite being raised in Christian homes, attending a Christian school, and being active in church, her students thought more like the culture than like Christ. Elizabeth began searching for curricular materials that would equip her students to think critically, helping them discover that Christianity is the worldview that lines up with reality. After not finding materials that effectively met this need, she created a curriculum that did.
Foundation Worldview exists to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview. Elizabeth firmly believes that the Christian youth exodus can be a thing of the past. When kids are equipped to soundly interpret Scripture, they will quickly develop a biblical worldview. When kids are taught to think well, they can carefully evaluate the messages they are exposed to each day.
To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.
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Episode 72: What Do Deconstructionists Often Get Wrong about God?
Presbyterians’ Decision to Drop Hymn Stirs Debate (USA Today, 8/5/13)
Romans 8:28
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