Christian Parent, Crazy World
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How To Parent a Prodigal Child (w/ Laurie Christine) - Ep. 99

April 15, 2024
00:00 31:44
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The youth exodus is a very real concern for Christian parents. Much of CP/CW’s content is aimed at assuaging this falling away from the faith in our youth.


But what does a parent do when they have a child who is questioning or has left the faith? How do you parent the prodigal child?


Catherine answers these questions with hard-earned, first-hand experience by offering these vital guidelines:


1. Love your child unconditionally, regardless of what they think, say, or do.

2. Rid the obstacles in your child's life in prayer.

3. Recognize and respect what stage of parenting you are in: Caregiver, Cop, Coach, or Counselor.

4. Prayerfully establish Godly boundaries. Blessings come from boundaries.

5. Apologize for mistakes. Humility is a bridge builder.

6. Do not try to convince or convict your child. That is the Holy Spirit’s job.

7. Do not coerce or control your child. That is how the enemy works. 

8. Remember that your child does not need a sermon. They need an encounter with God.


Laced throughout this advice are keen insights and critical direction on how to build a strong relationship with a teen or adult child who is on the prodigal path. There are things that can help to draw a child closer to God, and there are things that may seem right but are, in fact, counterproductive. They may push a child further from God.


When a child questions the faith, we must patiently answer their questions. If they leave the faith, we must love them with no strings attached and fervently pray for them to have an encounter with God. Loving our kids like Christ while not compromising truth is the most important way we can minister to them in a place of wandering or doubt.


Joining Catherine in the hosting chair is Laurie Christine, an author, podcast host, Biblical Parenting Coach, wife, and mom of four loud, adventurous boys. Her podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her on the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ Her new devotional book for boys, Rise of the Enemy, was released on Amazon last year.




EPISODE 14: How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer


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Meet Your Host
Catherine Segars is an award-winning actress and playwright—turned stay-at-home-mom—turned author, speaker, blogger, and motherhood apologist. This homeschooling mama of five has a master’s degree in communications and is earning a master’s degree in Christian apologetics. Catherine helps parents navigate through dangerous secular landmines to establish a sound Biblical foundation for their kids. Author of the e-book Five Myths about Motherhood That Make You Feel Mere, And Why They're Wrong, Catherine is also passionate about helping mothers see their worth in a season when they often feel overwhelmed and irrelevant. You can find Catherine’s blog, dramatic blogcast, and other writings at and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.
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