Should a Christian Identify as Gay or Trans? (w/ Melinda Patrick) - Ep. 78
A Christian can struggle with any number of attractions or temptations, including same sex desire and gender confusion. But should a Christian consider that struggle to be part of their identity? Should who we are attracted to or how we feel about our bodies be central to our being? Is our sexuality an immutable characteristic like our race or ethnicity? In other words, should we should claim our sexuality as part of our essence?
And if we do, what are the ramifications of this conclusion theologically and practically?
Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, lived for many years as a gay man. He addresses the issue of our Christian identity very clearly saying:
“If I were to identify as a gay Christian, I would be trying to resuscitate my dead man. We should never put our identity in our sin nature or in our flesh. Sin is never meant to be sanctified. It is meant to be mortified.”
Who we are attracted to is part of our experience as human beings here on earth. So is how we feel about our bodies. So are our significant roles—husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, friend. So is what we do—teacher, doctor, business owner, plumber … fill in the blank. So is what we are afflicted with: depression, anxiety, disease, addiction, abuse. Those are all, sadly, a part of our fallen human experience.
But that is not who we are.
As Christians, we must identify ourselves as sons and daughters of the most-high God. That is our identity. We must lay every other label down and brand ourselves with Christ. Then and only then can we walk in freedom.
Joining Catherine again to discuss the central topic of identity in the Christian life is Melinda Patrick, host of The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child While Not Compromising Truth. As a mother of a same-sex attracted daughter who has embraced an LGBTQ identity and union, Melinda considers identity to be a central component to every Believer’s spiritual journey. To overcome any temptation or obstacle, we must have our identity firmly rooted in Christ.
EPISODE 76: An LGBTQ Mom Responds to Andy Stanley
Melinda Patrick’s Website
Melinda Patrick’s email address:
Melinda Patrick’s Instagram Page
The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child Well While Not Compromising Truth
The Even While Podcast: Living Well in the Midst of Waiting
His Wonderful Works: Hope Healing and Freedom
Catherine Segars email address:
EPISODE 69: What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child?
ARTICLE: “What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child?” by Catherine Segars
“Sewing Heresy/Mainline Slide: The Push to Accept Homosexuality Gutted Traditional Protestantism. Evangelical churches Are Headed down the Same Road,” by Mary Jackson (World Magazine)
“How to Confidently Minister to Friends Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Confusion” Alisa Childers Podcast w/ Christopher Yuan
“The Number of LGBTQ Identifying Adults is Soaring” (Axios/data from Gallup)
Andy Stanley’s Message: “I Love My Church”
Greg & Lynn McDonald: Embracing the Journey
Debbie C