Exposing the Lost Landscape of Higher Education (w/ David Richardson) - Ep. 114
Philosophy Professor Peter Boghossian notoriously claimed that “faith is a cognitive sickness that’s been turned into a moral virtue.” He went on to say that every class is an opportunity to help students lose their faith.
When the instructors our kids sit under in higher education come in with an agenda like that, Gen Z’s sharp exodus from the faith makes sense. A child would have to be well prepared to withstand that kind of onslaught to their faith.
In this episode of "Christian Parent, Crazy World," Catherine delves into the critical question of how higher education is leading Christian kids away from their faith. Her special guest, David Richardson, brings a unique perspective on the landscape of higher education. With over 32 years of experience working with college and university professors, Dave sheds light on the challenges faced by Christian youth in academic settings.
Dave's journey from atheist student to faith in Christ provides a powerful testimony of God's transformative work on college campuses. His insights into the beliefs and attitudes of professors shed light on the disconnect between faith and academia. Catherine and Dave explore the impact of higher education on the youth exodus from Christianity and the role of Christian parents in navigating this challenging terrain.
The conversation delves into the importance of connecting faith to real-world issues and the need for Christians to live out their beliefs authentically. Hypocrisy and the lack of a tangible connection between God and academic disciplines are identified as key concerns for atheist and agnostic professors.
The episode highlights the historical roots of the formalized discipline of science in Western Christian culture and the role of faith in shaping scientific inquiry. The discussion sets the stage for a deeper exploration of core assumptions that influence belief systems in the next episode.
As parents grapple with the decision to send their children to secular institutions, Catherine and Dave offer valuable insights into understanding the challenges faced by Christian youth in higher education. By addressing the disconnect between faith and academia, this episode aims to equip parents with the knowledge and tools to support their children's faith journey in an increasingly secular world.
Guest bio: David Richardson is the founder of the Assumptions Institute and its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding the Assumptions Institute, Richardson served for 30 years on the staff of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, devoting most of his ministry to university professors. He holds a B.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Portland, and an M.A. degree in Theological Studies from the International School of Theology. Richardson also holds an MTh. degree in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford. His dissertation,
“Accepting Christian Faith in the Academy” was an important exploratory study of the religious attitudes and beliefs of university professors and how to reach them for Christ. He understands education and educators very well. Richardson’s first book, Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You released from Clovercroft Publishing.
Dave's Website: Learn to Discern
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