Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast
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Rebuilding Us: Marriage Podcast

Dana Che

Welcome to "Rebuilding Us,” a marriage podcast helping to restore intimacy and renew hope in your relationship. Join marriage coach Dana Che on an episodic adventure and explore the transformative journey of rebuilding trust, commitment, and connection by reigniting love through faith-based principles.

Each episode offers effective relationship strategies, heartfelt stories, and uplifting messages of hope, aimed at inspiring couples to cultivate lasting joy, intimacy, and fulfillment in their marriage. No Christian clichés over here! Dana's tell-it-like-it-is yet warm humor will endear you to come back every single week.

The first letter in "us" is "u," so "rebuilding us" is also about rebuilding u (you). Whether you're seeking reconciliation, restoration, or simply looking to enrich your relationship, 'Rebuilding Us' is here to support you on your journey to a thriving and resilient marriage grounded in grace and godly guidance."

Let the rebuild begin!

New episodes drop every Tuesday & Friday. Subscribe today so you don't miss a single one!

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Holy Hormones! Can Hormone Imbalance Affect Your Relationship?
May 14, 2024 - 32 min
Hormones are those sneaky, hidden chemicals that can wreak havoc on our bodies . . . and on our relationships. Our guest, Becky Yawn, is helping us understand why it's important that women, especially, understand how certain hormones affect our mood and communication. What if the conflict you're facing in your marriage is more than meets the eye? What if the internal changes in your hormones are partly to blame?  Join us for this fun and informative conversation with Bekah, a fertility coach and For the Love of Hormones podcast host. Bekah also shares about non-conventional ways to conceive without medication or drugs and shares her heartbreaking yet redemptive stories of miscarriage. Turn up the volume and bring all your personalities to this episode! For the full show notes, visit Links Mentioned in this Episode: 🔗 Learn all about Bekah's hormone & fertility programs here. 🔗 Get on the waitlist for the Infidelity Intensive 🔗 For the Love of Hormones Podcast **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Remember, sharing is caring! Share this episode via email or social media. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Q & A: Should I Come Clean About this Secret in My Marriage?
May 10, 2024 - 9 min
Carrying secrets in marriage can cause you to live in fear and disconnection. A listener asks if she should come clean about some shady behavior when she and her husband were on bad terms. The weight of carrying this secret is weighing her down. What should you do if you're keeping a secret in your marriage or relationship? Should everything be brought to the light or are some things better off hidden? We're discussing this question and asking what the Bible says (if anything) about secrets in relationships.  Got a marriage or relationship question you’d like answered on the podcast? Submit your questions at or DM on Instagram.   **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Remember to  SUBSCRIBE to the Podcast! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Shameless Hope After an Affair [Affair-Proof] - with Shaun Williams
May 7, 2024 - 32 min
All is not lost after an affair. You and your marriage can become more resilient and stronger from what could’ve destroyed you. Shame says, “You are damaged. You are bad.” But that is not true. You can truly rise above shame and have hope even after an affair. Shaun is back on the podcast today, and we’re discussing what we learned from our affairs. This conversation will help all who have been affected by the impact of infidelity in your relationship and will help you believe the journey toward healing and rebuilding trust is attainable.  In this episode, Shaun and I talk about some “hidden blessings” we’ve learned along the way and encourage you to do the same. As Maya Angelou says, “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” Your marriage may have gone through infidelity, but infidelity does not have to be the end.  My infidelity intensive course helps individuals and couples to finally heal from the shame and pain of infidelity.  Learn more about Infidelity Intensive here. **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! **  Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Full show notes are at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Q & A: How Do We Escape Complacency In Our Marriage?
May 3, 2024 - 11 min
Today's marriage advice is for a listener struggling with the feeling of complacency and stagnation in a long-term marriage. Here's the question she asked:  I really need good sound advice I've been with my husband for 25 yrs & I find myself thinking of a different life. Everything is the same ole same ole. Money is always tight. We work, come home, connected with our phones (more than each other). I am not sure if I can take another 25 yrs of this. He feels the marriage is fine, so clearly it's me. Any advice would be great. Many thanks, Mrs. Mathers Listen as I share with our listener four practical steps that she (yes, she) can take to get out of the marriage rut she's in.  Got a marriage or relationship question you'd like answered on the podcast? Submit your questions at or DM on Instagram.   **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Remember to  SUBSCRIBE to the Podcast!       Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6 Keys to Rebuild Trust After an Affair [Affair-Proof]
April 30, 2024 - 30 min
Let's talk about what it takes to heal and rebuild trust after the devastating impact of infidelity. In this episode, we break down the critical steps for both the cheating spouse and the wounded spouse. You may be familiar with the main themes in this episode like the importance of open and honest communication and a no-contact rule. Other factors that fly under the radar, however, like what good boundaries are and initiated accountability aren't always so obvious, though equally essential. The cheating spouse must take the proactive approach of being humble, transparent, and responsible for their actions.  Get the full show notes at    Special Offer  Get Access to the "Infidelity Intensive" Guide Here. **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Remember to SUBSCRIBE! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Q & A: When is Enough If My Spouse Has Had Multiple Affairs?
April 26, 2024 - 9 min
If your spouse has had multiple affairs, it can be hard to believe they have truly repented. When is enough enough? This was the question from a listener named Greg: Dana, I am so thankful you are doing the series on affairs. As a man, it’s really hard to admit that my wife does not find me desirable. She has found love in the arms of another. The problem is she keeps saying that she’s sorry. I found out a few months ago that she is involved in yet another of these situations. I’m sure you can understand what that must do to a man. I love her. She’s a great mother. But I’m wondering how many times I should take her back? My heart goes out to Greg and others who find themselves locked in a revolving door marriage with other people. Infidelity is hard enough the first time; multiple affairs are devastating. Listen in as I share some challenging words of advice about how to know when enough is enough after repeated infidelity.  Have a relationship question you'd like answered on the podcast? Submit your question at or DM me on Instagram.  **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Remember to  SUBSCRIBE to the Podcast! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Shame on You? Who's Really to Blame for an Affair? [Affair-Proof]
April 23, 2024 - 27 min
We're getting real about navigating through the mess of shame and blame in the aftermath of infidelity. It's a deep, emotional rollercoaster of an episode but so needed. So, buckle up, because it's about to get raw and honest. First off, it’s important to note that while either or both spouses may feel blame; shame is never productive. There is a stark difference between guilt and shame. Guilt says “I did something bad.” Shame says, “I am someone bad.”  This episode is for any person who has ever suffered the betrayal of their partner and it's also for the one who has betrayed. No shame on you. Just hope and healing. Listen in.  Find the full show notes at  Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Take the FREE "How Connected a Partner Are You?" Quiz Ep. 233: Discovering Your Spouse Has Been Unfaithful: Now What? **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Q & A: How Do I Get in the Mood for Sexy Time?
April 19, 2024 - 10 min
Today's question comes from one of my Instagram followers who wants some suggestions on how to get in the mood for sex. Low libido or lack of sexual desire is a very common issue. Here's the question:  I have a question about intimacy. I have a hard time getting in the mood for sex. This has been a recurring issue for me. I just don’t think I’ve ever had a high sex drive. But I want him to be happy. I know it’s important to him. I’ve listened to some of your podcast episodes in the shameless sex series. You did a while back. Are there any quick fixes you can give for those of us who struggle in this department?  Listen in as I share my suggestions using the analogy of "getting your head in the game." Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Take the "How Connected a Partner Are You?" Quiz here. **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Please Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Discovering Your Spouse Has Been Unfaithful: Now What? [Affair- Proof]
April 16, 2024 - 26 min
As you deal with the shock of discovering your spouse’s infidelity, it can feel like a collision with a semi-truck, leaving you paralyzed, numb, and drowning in a sea of emotions. You have been traumatized. Your initial response to such devastating news can be paralyzing, leaving you grappling with disbelief, pain, and confusion. It’s a sensitive yet profoundly significant topic – navigating the aftermath of discovering a partner’s infidelity. Let’s unravel the emotional journey, practical steps, and the pathway to healing after the shattering revelation of a spouse’s unfaithfulness. Respond, Don’t React: In the midst of this emotional turbulence, it’s better to embrace a strategic approach – responding, not reacting. The distinction between these two responses will be critical as you navigate in the storm. Impulsively reacting, no matter how temporarily satisfying it may seem, only compounds the situation. Instead, choosing a thoughtful and intentional response lays the groundwork for healing and restoration. Listen as I share some suggestions to help accelerate the healing process.  Find the full show notes at    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:  Download your “Conversation Starters for Couples in Conflict” guide here.  Book suggestion: Good Grief by Granger Westberg Ep. 229: Hubby Talks: What Caused Infidelity in Our Marriage [Affair-Proof]   **If you like the show, please leave a review! This helps other marriages and relationships grow too! ** Leave a Review and Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts | Spotify  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Q & A: I Feel Nothing For My Spouse & We're Living Separate Lives
April 12, 2024 - 12 min
We're addressing a listener's question about having no feelings for her husband anymore. She still has some desire to rebuild her marriage despite feeling empty and detached. If you've ever felt similarly about your spouse, you, too, will benefit from what I share. I explain how to "reignite" the loving feelings for your spouse with three responses:  feelings, forgiveness, and faith. The fact is that feelings are not final, and they are fickle. They are precious but not the priority. Instead of being led by our feelings, there are healthier and more effective ways to handle our lack of feelings toward our spouse. Listen in to learn the pathway forward.  Resources Mentioned in this Episode: 🔗Related Episode: #80: Feelings Aren't Forever  🔗 Submit your relationship questions 🔗 Get your free "Conversation Starters for Couples in Conflict" 🔗 Interested in marriage coaching? Schedule your discovery call today.   Don't miss out on insights to improve your relationships. Hit the subscribe or follow button! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Host
Meet Your Host
Dana Che is the founder of Thrive Relationships, where she serves as a marriage and relationship coach and host of the Rebuilding Us marriage podcast. She also serves as a preaching pastor at her church. Whether in the church or on her podcast, Dana's mission is singular: to help people rebuild their relationships through the grace and guidance of the Lord.

On Rebuilding Us, she is known for her graceful candor, humor, and her encouraging yet challenging advice. Dana holds a B.A. in communication from Regent University. She has a fierce passion for fashion and a fiercer passion for truth. She shares her life with Shaun, her loving husband of over twenty-five years, their four amazing children, and their “multi-cultural” dog in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA.

Connect with Dana:
Instagram: @mrsdanache
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