The Enneagram is a personality system, and a dynamic psycho-spiritual map that is most useful in exploring, as Chris Heuertz puts it, “Who we are, How we got lost and how we might find our way back home to the God of love and our true identity” (in Christ). In this podcast, we'll look at each Type and help listeners determine their type, where we see different types in the Bible and what spiritual growth looks like in each type.
What Nines want is unity and harmony - peacemaking. But when they are stressed and unhealthy, they settle for peacekeeping. They have gone asleep to themselves to avoid conflict, until at last their anger boils over.“Do I really matter? Do I really exist?” Those are the fears of Nines. But at their best, they are aware of how much they matter, how beautiful they are, awakening to the gift that they are to the world.‘I have not come to bring peace, but a sword,” Jesus proclaims in Matthew 10. In this passage of Scripture, Nines are reminded that real peacemaking sometimes means conflict is necessary.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Gary Waters Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Type Eights are intense, the boss - they have an intensity for life and are prone to excess. “Let’s go, let’s get it started” is their energy. They want to remain on top and powerful. Eights make great CEOs because they don’t let feelings or vulnerabilities get in the way of getting the job done. Their core desire is justice. In health, they protect the underdog. When they are not at their best, they settle for revenge - the idea of “might is right.”Jesus speaks to the habit Eights have to live out a life of scarcity and lack of vulnerability in his parable of the weeds. Regardless of how frustrated Eights are with injustice, Jesus calls them to wait patiently for his better, perfect justice.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Malte Mueller Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Sevens of the world make life worth living. They know how to celebrate. They are looking for the most pleasurable options they can be a part of. There is a FOMO in this personality, but in general, they are just moving from one pleasurable experience to another. Life is a huge, grand buffet and they want to taste it all. They are constantly planning, constantly thinking about what they are going to do next. This of course, makes it hard for Sevens to fully enjoy the present, as they move from one thing to the next, never really going deep. At their best, Sevens can be present in the pain while being able to reframe toward gratitude. At their core, they want satisfaction. But since the world doesn’t fully satisfy, they settle for simply, “more.”You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Malte Mueller Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
“What, and who, can I trust? What should I do?” Sixes scan the environment, making sure we are all safe and secure. The phobic 6 needs to know the external authorities in their world. They are the stereotypical teacher’s pet, doing things just right.The counter-phobic sixes go toward what they are afraid of. They are the storm chasers of life. The buck authority while also needing it (often getting confused with Type 8s). Sixes are the devil’s advocate of the Enneagram, often struggling with analysis paralysis. Often they make the decision not to make the decision - not realizing that in and of itself is a decision. At their best, the sixes are the ones you want at your side when things fall apart. They instinctively react and do the right thing, often because they have rehearsed the worst-case scenario in their minds.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Olha Khorimarko Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
This Enneagram Type lives in their mind, in their inner life- seeking wisdom, seeing through things. These observers see themselves as invisible but seeing everything. They need privacy. There are very aware of the percentage of their own energy and how much the outside world drains them (which is a lot). They are articulate and seemingly wise beyond their years. What they want most is a rich, abundant life. What they often settle for is what they can get in their heads - going without external pleasures, but instead feasting on an abundance of information in their inner world. You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Feodora Chiosea Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
The Core Belief of 4's - “I’m different from everyone.” Fours believe they are different, uniquely flawed, unlike anyone else in the world. Fours are deeper than the average person, helping us see what we might not otherwise perceive as missing, adding depth of meaning to everything they touch.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3’s are high-performance engines, high energy, hard-working, performers, efficient. They look good doing it, too. Core Flaw: Deceit. 3’s believe the role they are playing is who they are. “I am what I do.” But if you are what you do, when you stop doing, or when you “don’t”… then what?3’s must learn that the love of God is not earned, it is something altogether different from the merit system we have known from childhood. Achieving is not being. You cannot earn your identity and more than you can lose it - and you are a beloved child of the divine Creator.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/aurielaki Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Are you asking for what you need? Are you being honest with what you need? It’s okay to ask, it’s okay to receive, and it’s not a threat. You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Malte Mueller Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Core Fear: Being wrong, inappropriate, corrupt, bad, evil, corruptibleCore Desire: To have integrity, to be good and right, virtuousCan deteriorate into critical perfectionism, but when you submit to grace and relax, joy can be found.Biblical example: Paul You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/axel2001 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
If you don't know your Enneagram Type yet, head over to and take the free test.You can find more from Logan by visiting: Booking a Free 30-minute Consultation: loganjonescoaching.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/PeterHermesFurian Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Meet Your Host
Logan helps individuals, couples, families and professionals obtain accelerated growth and transformation by using the Enneagram as a catalyst.