The Enneagram of Personality
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Type 6: The Loyal Skeptics

August 02, 2020
00:00 21:50
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“What, and who, can I trust? What should I do?” Sixes scan the environment, making sure we are all safe and secure. The phobic 6 needs to know the external authorities in their world. They are the stereotypical teacher’s pet, doing things just right.

The counter-phobic sixes go toward what they are afraid of. They are the storm chasers of life. The buck authority while also needing it (often getting confused with Type 8s).

Sixes are the devil’s advocate of the Enneagram, often struggling with analysis paralysis. Often they make the decision not to make the decision - not realizing that in and of itself is a decision.

At their best, the sixes are the ones you want at your side when things fall apart. They instinctively react and do the right thing, often because they have rehearsed the worst-case scenario in their minds.

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Episode Image Credit: Getty/Olha Khorimarko

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Logan helps individuals, couples, families and professionals obtain accelerated growth and transformation by using the Enneagram as a catalyst.
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