Faith Over Fear
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Faith Over Fear

Jennifer Slattery and Carol Ogle McCracken

Life is too short and God has too much for us to do for any of us to live enslaved. Jesus promised His followers would experience filled to overflowing life, a life characterized by joy, peace, and spiritual and emotional vitality. And yet, we daily make decisions based on fear, not faith. In Faith Over Fear, author and speaker Jennifer Slattery helps us see different areas of life where fear has a foothold, and how our identity as children of God can help us move from fear to faithful, bold living.

This podcast covers topics like:

⭐️ How to Overcome Fear
⭐️ Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
⭐️ Powerful Steps to Fight Anxiety
⭐️ Finding God Faithful in Hard Seasons
⭐️ Courage to Wait on God

Jesus has more planned for us than we could imagine and He’s fully committed to perfecting that which concerns us. Fear holds us back, but His perfect love has the power to cast out all fear!

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Best of: Segments From Our Most Popular Fear-Quieting Episodes
January 2, 2024 - 30 min
We have had an amazing year with powerful fear-calming insights from wise and experienced guests. In this episode, we share power clips from five of our most popular episodes: In "Finding God Faithful in Hard seasons" with Kelly Minter, we discussed the call to break patterns of generational dysfunction. Next, we heard from singer and songwriter Colton Dixon on viewing disappointments as divine set-ups, taken from the episode titled "Fighting Fear by Holding onto God's Light". Next, Bonnie Gray, host of the Breathe: Stress Less podcast provided insight on how to recognize and change our automatic response to stress. That episode was titled, "Break the Grip of Anxiety and Worry: What You Can Do to Step Stress". We then heard Pastor John Meader share about a time when he felt angry and bitter toward God, and how God brought him to a place of trust. That clip came from the episode titled "God's Not Done With you".  Last, we heard from one of the most prolific and powerful writers in our time, Max Lucado, on the story of Jacob, known as the deceiver, and how Max relates to this Old Testament biblical character. That episode was titled God Won't Give Up on You". We hope these clips encourage you as you launch into 2024 with godly confidence and hope-filled anticipation.  (Scroll down for discussion questions/reflective questions.) Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in Kelly Minter's discussion regarding patterns of dysfunction? How has God changed some of your learned unhealthy patterns and/or attitudes? Why is it important to recognize and acknowledge unhealthy patterns learned from our family of origin.  How can we recognize these patterns through a lens of grace? Why it it important to take ownership for our learned behavior? How might God be calling you to increased health? What resonated with you most in Colton Dixon's discussion regarding "flipping the switch" in how we view setbacks?  What is one setback or disappointment you can reframe through the lens of God's love, power, and grace? And what does that reframe look like? What resonated with you most in Max Lucado's discussion of Jacob, the "weasel"?  What is one truth you can hold tight to and reflect upon in the year ahead?  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Courage in His Presence Anchored in His Love
December 26, 2023 - 25 min
Throughout Scripture, we see numerous verses telling us not to fear. Most of these encouragements are followed by a powerful why: because our God is with us, always, and all of His power and goodness accompanies His presence. In this episode we talk about plunging our roots deep into His love, practicing resting in His presence, and gaining strength from that ongoing connection–or as Ephesians 3:19 states, that we "may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions) Find Ava Pennington: On her website On Facebook On Instagram Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Courageously Transitioning into New Roles
December 19, 2023 - 29 min
When we land in new roles or take on new opportunities, it's normal to feel insecure and ill-prepared. Focusing upon our limitations can cause fear of failure to rise paralyze us. But in those moments, and every moment thereafter, our faithful and all-powerful God invites us to trust in Him to provide all we need to do all He's asked.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? When a new opportunity arises, what are some ways you discern whether or not that opportunity is God-given? How might maintaining a practice of worship help increase one's sensitivity to God's voice or "nudges" of His will? How do you tend to respond when you find yourself in a new and potentially challenging situations? What fears most often arise when you embrace new and difficult assignments or take on unfamiliar roles? Consider a past assignment you took on. In what ways did God provide what you need for that role? Consider the example of Moses Jennifer and Teresa discussed. How do you feel knowing Moses began afraid and ended well?  What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Courageously Relinquishing in Seasons of Transition
December 12, 2023 - 29 min
We can't fully embrace all God has for us today or confidently step into the opportunities He's crafting for our future when we cling to the past. Yet, how can we stand strong and confident in that transitional season when we know what God has called us from but don't yet know where our obedience might lead? Those waiting, unknown periods can leave us feeling anxious and insecure, fearing, if we relinquish that thing, we'll lose an important part of who we are. But this is also why transitional seasons can be so healing and faith-building.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions) Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group What resonated with you most in this episode? Think about a time when God asked you to relinquish a major role or activity. What emotions did you wrestle with during that time? When has God used a transitional season to reveal that you were clinging to a false identity? When has God used a transitional season to deepen your relationship with and trust in Him? When thinking about transitional seasons, what aspects of God's character most encourage? In this episode, Teresa talked about how God knows us and His plans for us. How does this encourage or comfort you when you consider major transitions? What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How Scripture Helps Quiet Fear
December 5, 2023 - 30 min
Our world provides numerous reasons for us to feel uncertain and afraid. But Scripture tells us we have an even greater reason to live courageously. We have an all-powerful, loving, faithful God who watches over us, wants the best for us, and has the power to bring that best to pass. In this episode, Bible teacher Mary DeMuth shares a unique approach to Scripture that has greatly helped her experience decreased fear and increased peace.  (Scroll down for discussion/contemplative questions) Recommended Resource: 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge: Read the Whole Bible, Change Your Whole Life Connect with Mary DeMuth: On her website On Instagram On Facebook On her Amazon Author Page Connect with Jennifer Slattery: Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Subscribe to her free newsletter Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/reflective questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? What most challenges your Bible reading time? When you do read Scripture, how does this impact your understanding of God's nature, heart, and plans? How can knowing God better help decrease our fears? In this episode, Mary DeMuth encourages readers to read Scripture looking for common threads (such as boldness versus fear). What thread might you find most helpful to look for? What anxiety-increasing activity could you replace with Bible reading or listening to Scripture through a podcast? What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Breaking Body Image Shame With Rachael Gilbert
November 28, 2023 - 29 min
Do all the parties, cookie exchanges, and holiday meals this time of year prick your insecurities and create anxiety? Do you find yourself simultaneously enjoying home-baked treats and calculating how many hours at the gym each bite will cost? More importantly, do you ever long for the day when you don't stress about your body? In our photo-shopped, filtered, social media culture, is that even possible? Faith Over Fear guest Rachael Gilbert, author of Image Restored, says yes and shares her inside out approach to learning to feel comfortable in our skin, whatever shape it encompasses.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Resource Mentioned: Image Restored: Tear Down Shame and Insecurity to Experience a Body Image Renovation.  Connect with Rachael Gilbert: On her website On Instagram On Facebook On her Amazon Author Page Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? What body image messages have you absorbed from your social circle? What body image messages have you received from generations before you? How often do you put your thoughts "on trial"? How often do you check your negative thinking against the truth of Scripture? In what ways might a negative body image be impacting your relationships How might your life change were you to feel confident in your skin? What is one action step God might be asking you to take, having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Experiencing Jesus in Opposition
November 21, 2023 - 30 min
Imagine sitting in a job interview and your prospective boss tells you two things. First, he says the position he wants to hire you for will be challenging and filled with constant opposition. But, second, you will find the assignment incredibly fulfilling–and through it, you'll experience an intimacy with Christ you hadn't prior. Would you take it? As you consider this role, which part of the man's conversation will you reflect on most? As Christ-followers, we're faced with this question daily. Which will we give greatest emphasis–the opposition we'll inevitably face, or the God who stands with us, refines and strengthens us, and makes Himself known to us through it all? In this episode, host Jennifer Slattery speaks with Bible study writer Kathy Howard on the beauty that can come through opposition.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Resources mentioned: the Deep Rooted Devotional Series Find Kathy Howard: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon What resonated with you most in today's episode? What Bible passages do you turn to when you feel overwhelmed? How do you tend to interpret opposition: as a sign you are doing something wrong and God is displeased with you, OR, as a normal part of living for Jesus? How might viewing opposition as an opportunity to experience Jesus on a deeper level impact your journey?  What steps might you take to experience God's presence in difficult seasons? What can you learn from Paul's response in Acts 16? What does it mean to have an eternal focus? How can maintaining an eternal focus during seasons of opposition strengthen your soul to remain faithful? Pause to image standing before Jesus and hearing Him say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant. You completed all that I assigned to you." (Engage all of your senses for this exercise.)  What is one action step God might be asking you to take having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
Strength to Thrive Despite Opposition
November 13, 2023 - 28 min
How we respond to opposition today greatly impacts how we’ll respond to the opposition we’ll face tomorrow. Will we become adept at quitting or stronger in perseverance? And when, in a season of weakness and fatigue, we quit—for a time, Scripture assures us it’s never too late to begin again. (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Resource mentioned: Growing a Joyful Heart: Devotions of Accepting God's Gifts for Abundant Living from Joy Givers Past, Present and Future by Karen Whiting and Pam Farrel Connect with Karen Whiting: On her website On Facebook On Pinterest Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in today's episode? What are some truths you can hold on to when facing opposition? How are you intentionally increasing your perseverance? How might how you have (or have not) processed past "failures" impact your response to today or future opposition? Why might it be important to remain anchored in grace (rather than becoming consumed with guilt) when in the rebuilding phase? When have you witnessed God rebuilding something that you or others had thought was beyond repair? What did that experience reveal regarding God's heart? What is one action step God might be encouraging you to take, having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
How God Prepares Us to Face Opposition
November 7, 2023 - 29 min
This is the second episode in a four-part discussion on standing strong amidst opposition. In this episode, Jennifer Slattery and guest Karen Whiting look at two biblical characters (Ezra and Nehemiah) called to a major restoration project, their miraculous beginnings, and how God prepared them for the opposition they'd later face. When we experience opposition, we might feel overwhelmed and unprepared, but often, when we look back, we'll see how God lovingly and faithfully prepared us for this particular season. We can quiet our fears and bolster our faith by reviewing ways we've witnessed His power and by reviewing the truths He's planted into our souls.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Connect with Karen Whiting: On her website On Facebook On Pinterest Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Find Wholly Loved: On their website Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Join the Private Wholly Loved Community Facebook Group Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? Had you been in Nehemiah's position, while in Babylon, what might you have found most challenging about the Jerusalem rebuilding assignment? When has God called you to leave an area of comfort or prestige to embrace a challenging assignment? What truths emboldened you to obey? In this episode, Karen and Jennifer discuss Ezra's miraculous beginning (abundant provision from King Cyrus). When have you experienced a miraculous beginning on a project, and how did that affect your expectations? Jennifer and Karen also discussed ways in which Nehemiah's role as a cupbearer might have prepared him to lead the returned exiles during this pivotal time in their nation's history. When have you stepped into a new role for which God had uniquely prepared you? How might reflecting upon ways God has helped you in the past increase your strength, perseverance, and courage when facing challenges in the present? What is one action step God might be wanting you to take, having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
When Obedience Leads to Hostility - Standing Strong Amidst Opposition P. 1
October 31, 2023 - 33 min
What happens when we step out in faith in a particular area and others respond to our obedience with open hostility? How can we persevere with courage and love when blindsided by other people's hurtful and unjust actions? In this episode Jennifer speaks with author, speaker, and soul care coach Diana Asaad, a woman who, along with her husband, accepted a pastorate over a church riddled with debt and infested with generational racism. As such, she understands the anxiety that can come when one feels under attack. She shares how to disarm our rising emotions and experience increased peace in Christ.  (Scroll down for discussion/reflective questions.) Find Diana Asaad: On her website On Instagram On Facebook On Amazon Find Jennifer Slattery: On her website Instagram Facebook Amazon Join the private Faith Over Fear Facebook Group  Discussion/Reflective Questions: What resonated with you most in this episode? When have you encountered hostility toward your obedience in an area or situation? When have you encountered hostility due to generational sin? What fears and anxieties did that experience create? When you feel under attack, to whom do you tend to turn for support? What biblical truth has (or can) help to disarm your fears and increase your faith when you feel under attack? What is one action step God might be wanting you to take having listened to this episode? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
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Meet Your Hosts
Meet Your Hosts
Jennifer Slattery, founder of Wholly Loved Ministries, is a multi-published author, national speaker, and speaking coach passionate about helping God's children reach their full potential and live fully surrendered to Christ. She is a host on Your Daily Bible Verse and Faith Over Fear. Find her online at
Meet Your Hosts
Carol Ogle McCracken is a fun-loving wedding planner, speaker, Bible teacher, and author who brings to Scripture to inspire a personal, vibrant relationship with Him. Her authentic challenges faced while journeying through alcoholism, raising a child with special needs, and divorce, equip her to teach, entertain and encourage you. Carol currently serves as the Minister of Discipleship at her home church and is a Christian communicator in many different forums, large and small, and especially enjoys teaching at women’s retreats. Her book Wisdom, Where to Find It if You've Lost, Forgotten, or Never Had It was released in November 2020.
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